1. #1

    LFP Need 4 Players every other Mon Night 5PM PST USA 5E Forgotten Realms Setting

    LFP Need 4 Players every other Mon Night 5PM PST USA 5E Forgotten Realms Setting

    FG License: DM has FULL version, so players only need demo (free) version.
    Game System: D&D 5E

    Time Zone: PST USA
    Day of week and time: Every other Monday from 5p to 8p (Bi-weekly)
    If new game, planned start date: Planned Start date would be February 17th or maybe 24th
    Planned Duration & Frequency: 3 or 4 hrs sessions, depending on what the players want, Every other Monday
    Term: Long Term......I am dying to run a group so long we can get up to 20th level!!!

    Text or Voice: Both over Discord
    Main Language used: English

    Roleplay & Combat mix: Probably more combat them guess would be 70/30
    Number of Players in game & needed: We have 2 players and want 4 more.
    Character starting level & equipment: Characters will be starting at 5th level
    Character restrictions: I use basic books (PHB, MM, DMG), Tasha's, Xanthar's, Volo's and Swordcoast, so stay within that source material.
    Most of my character restrictions will have to do with min maxers, instead of roleplaying reasons. Your characters will all have a custom background I have created.

    Details of your scenario:
    All characters will start at 5th level. My plan is to have you all start together in the same location or traveling to it, to take on the most recent and most urgent trouble in your area. After all, you are heroes right? Then I will adapt the adventure to be a more personalized story, more focused on the characters and their personal goals.

    The adventure will start on your 25th birthday, which you are celebrating in The Forgotten Realm Country of Amn, and more specifically in the city of Trademeet. It seems the city is being rebuilt and they are celebrating their new look and new leadership. The day of the new grand opening of the city happens to fall on a rare celestial event. You will need to come up with the reason you are in or traveling too Trademeet.

    The DM:
    I am an experienced Dungeon Master (50+) with years of running D&D games using Fantasy Grounds. My game style is casual, adhering to the rules without spending excessive time debating them during gameplay. While no DM is perfect and I might occasionally make mistakes, we'll make group decisions afterward to ensure everything is sorted for the next session. Expect a balanced mix of 70% combat along with exploration and story.

    Players are expected to develop a character background (not too in-depth, but give me something to work with) and personal goals your character is looking to accomplish. This doesn't need to be an epic tale, but at least a couple of paragraphs. The goal is for players to dictate the direction of the story, which requires fleshing out their characters.
    If you're only interested in combat encounters, this may not be the right game for you.
    I appreciate those that take notes, so details are not missed; but my adventures are not so deep that if you have a good memory you will remember enough from session to session.

  2. #2
    I would be interested

  3. #3

  4. #4
    I am intrested if it's every other Monday starting 17th.

    I have another game on every "other" Mondays (10th, 24th and so on).

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Twentynine Palms, California
    I would be interested in joining

  6. #6
    Stay away from this group if you are neurodivergent. They are actively hostile to autistic people. They made it explicitly clear, you MUST follow the group into anything or be physically restrained to comply in character with your legit concerns potentially addressed later, but must be forced into compliance first with no assurances about your concerns ever being addressed.

    Not a group or game for player agency or thinking.

    So if you are a NeuroTypical looking to mindlessly beat up baddies every other Monday night, then this is for you. Otherwise, run in the opposite direction for your own sake.
    Full License owner
    Destroyer of Bacon
    The thin line between genius and insanity is dotted.

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