Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by SirGunther View Post
    We're currently on L14. I run a fair amount of extensions, but it occurs without extensions.

    A feature that would aid in testing would be the ability to save and load extension sets, so you don't have to remember what 20 or thirty extensions you had enabled when you turn them all off. But I know that's a whole other thread.
    That is a cool tip. We just happen to be playing level 14 currently as well, though the group was in map Level 12 when the game became buggy.
    Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Give aid to those in need when you are able. Never follow thoughts of gain into the pursuit of evil, and never hesitate to kill the villain while you have the chance.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by SirGunther View Post
    Awesome! Thanks for the tip. That will make testing a whole lot easier.
    What I do when something is acting up and need to test, Is navigate to my campaigns folder and make a copy of the campaign.

    Then you can just do whatever you feel like with it to find a solution (hopefully), or try changing a bunch of things if necessary

    Your original campaign will be exactly how you left it

    Also a good Idea to back those campaigns up as well, Fantasy Grounds by default saves them in your "USER" AppData folder so you'll need to enable see hidden files on your computer to find them

  3. #13
    I tried popping open my current group's campaign, dropped the party into L12 and L14 with lights on, and started moving them around the map. I didn't see any noticeable slowdowns; but perhaps I'm using things differently than you are.

    Can one of you post a link to a copy of your zipped up campaign folder, so that I can see your version in action? (I won't have any extensions, but can look at the base data.)


  4. #14
    A new update has been pushed which should improve the performance in most situations with token vision/lighting.


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