Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Birthplace of Blackmoor

    LFP: AD&D 2E Greyhawk campaign. Wednesday's 8PM CST

    Currently running an AD&D 2E campaign in the World of Greyhawk. We are looking to add a couple of players to the party. Players only need free demo version of FGU to play, with voice over discord/guilded. Additions will start with 36,000 XP, 1,200 gp, and 2 class/race appropriate magic items, unless you really want to start at 1st level.

    Setting: World of Greyhawk, currently beginning a journey from the Yeomanry near Westburn heading towards the Wild Coast, using a mixture of modules and home-brew as well as sandbox style gameplay.
    Game System: AD&D 2E
    Time Zone: Central Time USA (GMT-6)
    Day of week and time: Wednesdays starting at 8:00 pm
    Duration & Frequency: 3-4 Hour session weekly
    Roleplay & Combat mix: aim for a balanced mix over time.
    Number of Players in game & needed: Have 4 players, looking for 1 or 2 more
    Character starting level & equipment: ~5-6th level
    Character starting races Base PHB races with some kit availability, which should be setting appropriate.
    Character restrictions: No evil aligned players

    Looking for new or experienced folks that want to play some old school D&D and have some fun.

    The ability to BS and have a laid back attitude comes highly recommended, the objective is to have fun but not at the expense of others.

    This will contain mature content meaning gore, violence and death. These are expected to be handled in a mature way. Sex and torture, if they do occur are to be veiled.

    The world is played as it is, this means there is no encounter balance, sometimes you just aren't ready to take on whatever lies out in the world. Running blindly into combat can prove to be fatal. Scouting and analysis can save time and lives. Player agency is paramount, if you really want to go fight that ancient black dragon, by all means you can try. As a DM there will be clues and hints indicating the likelihood of success. Its up to the players though to pay attention or uncover those clues.

    If interested send a PM and let me know your availability, play style, gaming interests and anything else you feel important. I will than get you a more detailed campaign description and we can chat
    Last edited by scoot138; January 23rd, 2025 at 15:15. Reason: Added LFP to title

  2. #2 very interested. i love 2nd Edition and especially Greyhawk. I am available every wednesday night, i enjoy a healthy mix of combat and exploratoion,problem solving, roleplaying. I have the standard license and the 2nd ed. PHB, Complete thieves handbook and complete Wizards Handbook. I prefer to play either class but can play any class that will fill a void for the group.
    Last edited by DMHERETIC; January 23rd, 2025 at 19:18.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    disregard. unable to delete post

  5. #5
    Interested in learning more. Experienced tabletop/pnp gamer.

    Edit: I sent you a DM here on Fantasy Grounds

    DM me on Discord jeffthepoustman.

    Thank you!
    Last edited by Aethwoard; February 9th, 2025 at 15:05. Reason: Added a note re: DM

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