5E Character Create Playlist
  1. #1

    Windowlist item background color

    Does anyone know if we can have color grading for the background of a windowlist item?

  2. #2
    Not sure what you mean by color grading. However, there is a fix for the client to be released this week which fixes an issue where the alternating backgrounds in lists where too faded to display correctly.

    After the next release (v4.6.5), please let us know if it is something different you are looking for.


  3. #3
    Hi Moon Wizard, sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant something like this:

  4. #4
    I would recommend against it, especially since you're going dark/light in that example which would make it very hard to pick a font color that works well. Also, none of the themes would know to override any background frames like that, so they would always be an issue with theming which does change window frames, background colors and fonts.

    In general, gradients are not recommended for FG frames; as they can not be set up as a 9-slice graphic well (i.e. a graphic that can be used in various sizes, both vertical and horizontal). They can potentially be used in limited cases, such as the sidebar or window title, which doesn't change size very often; but still recommended against.


  5. #5

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