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Thread: BSG tile sets

  1. #1

    BSG tile sets

    I've noticed the LOS on BSG tile sets are alot more than really needed, and my table lags bad with several of them (I bought quite a few of them. Is there a way I could edit the tiles, so when I use them they have less LOS dots? I attached a screenshot of a section of town. Thnx
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  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Yea, that's excessive. Can you link the product page? I don't recognize the product by acronym, and not sure the devs will so they can let the correct developer know.

    It's probably quicker to just unlock the map and delte all LOS, but their is a Simplify option you can use by selecting the whole entity.

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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    Yea, that's excessive. Can you link the product page? I don't recognize the product by acronym, and not sure the devs will so they can let the correct developer know.

    It's probably quicker to just unlock the map and delte all LOS, but their is a Simplify option you can use by selecting the whole entity.

    BSG City Modular Map set, also Sewer Set.

    https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store...AAWFGANYBSGCTS for this one. AAW Games

    I bought several, and lots of lag on them. I'll delete the extra points, but kind of defeats the purpose of buying them ;(

  4. #4
    Other than lag (possibly LOS), they are all great sets, I really like their artwork, and the pieces are awesome in all the sets, fitting together real good, and very user friendly to use.

  5. #5
    pindercarl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thorun09 View Post
    Other than lag (possibly LOS), they are all great sets, I really like their artwork, and the pieces are awesome in all the sets, fitting together real good, and very user friendly to use.
    If you can provide a copy of your campaign, it would help identify where the performance issues are. https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia...ort+Developers

    In the absence of the campaign, can you provide some information? How many tokens are present on the map when you notice the lag issues? Are the performance issues present when no tokens are on the map? Is lighting enabled on the map?

    Thanks in advance.

  6. #6
    I'd be happy to post it on there a copy of campaign, if you could tell me how to do it. Otherwise, I removed all tokens and had one player work with one token, he was lagging. He's pretty experienced with FGU, and recommended I bring it up. I normally play with 5 players, one has a mount. A few NPC's in the area. For now, I just turned of LOS as it took me 20 minutes just to fix one building, and I have like 14 in square.

  7. #7
    pindercarl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thorun09 View Post
    I'd be happy to post it on there a copy of campaign, if you could tell me how to do it. Otherwise, I removed all tokens and had one player work with one token, he was lagging. He's pretty experienced with FGU, and recommended I bring it up. I normally play with 5 players, one has a mount. A few NPC's in the area. For now, I just turned of LOS as it took me 20 minutes just to fix one building, and I have like 14 in square.
    The link in the previous post has pretty thorough instructions for providing a copy of the campaign.

    Hmm. If you're seeing lag with one token, I don't have any good guesses at the cause or solution. I'll take a look at the BSG maps. Are running any extensions?

  8. #8
    I tried to zip the file, but still too large, I'll try again

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by pindercarl View Post
    The link in the previous post has pretty thorough instructions for providing a copy of the campaign.

    Hmm. If you're seeing lag with one token, I don't have any good guesses at the cause or solution. I'll take a look at the BSG maps. Are running any extensions?
    Should be uploaded now. Recreated with 2 players connected, and getting lag moving tokens around, it's delayed by over half a second. I normally play with 5 connected. I also use other extensions, but gave a clean one to view just lag. All extensions were off. Included mod in zip file for map.
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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by thorun09 View Post
    I've noticed the LOS on BSG tile sets are alot more than really needed, and my table lags bad with several of them (I bought quite a few of them. Is there a way I could edit the tiles, so when I use them they have less LOS dots? I attached a screenshot of a section of town. Thnx
    These tiles were likely created prior to the best practices that we've learned over the years. Once in awhile, older content will need updating to newer optimization standards and formatting. There are likely a percentage of older content still needing some refinement.

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