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  1. #1

    Compatible programs to make importable maps

    My Dm puts in a ton of effort and time into our game and my character is using the castle and ruins book to build a small stockade for the party to use as a protection point so we can have a valley for farming without all the free farmers ending up gristle stuck between a trolls last two adjacent teeth or feeding the next generation of Warg cubs. I got the blueprint all drawn up and all the prices and time worked out so I thought I'd take it the extra step and build the map too, however i run a demo version of the game and hence don't have access to the Gm side of fantasy grounds so was wondering if anyone had suggestions for 3rd party programs with line of sight I can use to build it and then my Dm can just import it

    Best regards, a trouble making mage.
    Last edited by Zacchaeus; February 2nd, 2025 at 15:26.

  2. #2
    You can use all of the map-making features in FG with the demo version. Simply create a campaign and get to work.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by rege142 View Post
    My Dm puts in a ton of effort and time into our game and my character is using the castle and ruins book to build a small stockade for the party to use as a protection point so we can have a valley for farming without all the free farmers ending up gristle stuck between a trolls last two adjacent teeth or feeding the next generation of Warg cubs. I got the blueprint all drawn up and all the prices and time worked out so I thought I'd take it the extra step and build the map too, however i run a demo version of the game and hence don't have access to the Gm side of fantasy grounds so was wondering if anyone had suggestions for 3rd party programs with line of sight I can use to build it and then my Dm can just import it.

    Best regards, a trouble making mage.
    Are you talking about ICE's Castles & Ruins?

  5. #5
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    FG has it's own map making capabilities which are available to free/demo users. There are additional mapping assets you can buy from the FG Store and perhaps the Forge. Also you can add your own assets from places like CSUAC2. Note that both you and you DM will need these assets.

    FG can import images from pretty much any source or image making program. I use Campaign Cartographer 3+. But it won't have lighting ot LOS and you need to add those in FG.

    Dungeondraft and maybe one or 2 other map making programs can export maps in .vtt format, which includes LOS data.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  6. #6
    You could also get a map made from somebody in the Cartographer's Guild, or see if there is a map somebody made that is close enough.

  7. #7
    pindercarl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rege142 View Post
    My Dm puts in a ton of effort and time into our game and my character is using the castle and ruins book to build a small stockade for the party to use as a protection point so we can have a valley for farming without all the free farmers ending up gristle stuck between a trolls last two adjacent teeth or feeding the next generation of Warg cubs. I got the blueprint all drawn up and all the prices and time worked out so I thought I'd take it the extra step and build the map too, however i run a demo version of the game and hence don't have access to the Gm side of fantasy grounds so was wondering if anyone had suggestions for 3rd party programs with line of sight I can use to build it and then my Dm can just import it.

    Best regards, a trouble making mage.
    Any map making tool that can export a UVTT file can be used to create maps and export with lighting and walls/doors. DungeonDraft was mentioned. Dungeon Alchemist also supports exporting to Fantasy Grounds.

  8. #8
    Dungeon Alchemist exports maps with Fantasy Grounds line of sight and lighting.

    Although it is excellent for dungeons, buildings and smaller terrain maps, it isn't great for regional maps.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by dendarii View Post
    Dungeon Alchemist exports maps with Fantasy Grounds line of sight and lighting.

    Although it is excellent for dungeons, buildings and smaller terrain maps, it isn't great for regional maps.
    Agreed, I might even add it's almost useless for large dungeons like DotMM, and the art style is videogame-like, so beware before buying, cause in my case It's still collecting virtual dust.

  10. #10
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    I removed the link. Does in fact now look like some kind of spam. Closing the thread as well.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

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