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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanrockid View Post
    Please check if you are adding the character to the Combat tracker first and only then dragging them to the map. When you drag a token directly from the sheet to the map, things may seem ok (it even creates the CT entry for that char), but some features won't work properly. The behavior your describe fits exactly the behavior of a token dragged from outside the Combat Tracker. Can you confirm if the problem persists if you delete the token from map and CT and put it back on, but from the combat tracker?
    I am very interested in getting this extension, but I have a question about what you said above. What about pre-built modules? Like if I have Decent into Averus, where the author may have dragged the map directly from the encounter, would I have to add each encounter to the combat tracker then drag each monster onto the map?

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by HeWhoKnows View Post
    I am very interested in getting this extension, but I have a question about what you said above. What about pre-built modules? Like if I have Decent into Averus, where the author may have dragged the map directly from the encounter, would I have to add each encounter to the combat tracker then drag each monster onto the map?
    I"ve tested with Tomb of Annihilation and i had no problems with the pre-made encounters. You should be fine with other modules as well. Also, I've made some changes to damage, misses and critical functions and it seems to have fixed the issues with those factors not being calculated when the actor's token were dragged directly from the character sheet into the map, instead of combat tracker.
    "A saint does what is right. A leader does what is necessary."

  3. #63
    Big Update


    New Features:
    • Spellcasting Aggro! Caster receive the base spell threat value + additional level bonus (both customizable).
    • Healing Aggro: also receive additional aggro based on healing level.
    • Intelligence based aggro: Define the minimum intelligence to be considered 'intelligent' and 'rational'. Intelligent actors will calculate all variables plus spell and healing aggro. Rational actors will calculate everything but those two and irrational actor will only consider basic aggro modifiers.
    • Neglected target aggro: Actors that are not being targeted by anyone will receive this bonus to threat.

    Let me know if you find any bugs! Also, leave your suggestions! I always read them and try to implement everything i can.
    Last edited by Alanrockid; February 1st, 2025 at 02:34.
    "A saint does what is right. A leader does what is necessary."

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Tooting Dog View Post
    Some of us process information better visually. Personally, I find it quicker to look at a map with ranked targets than to scan the chat output and match it to the tokens' positions. For example, I could glance at the map and immediately see that the token marked '1' is behind a wall and invalid, '2' is behind cover and would impose a -2 penalty on my ranging orc’s shot, while '3' is in a perfect position. Both methods work, but visual cues are much easier for me in these situations, and maybe for a few others.
    Next update will feature visual aid for the first 3 aggro choices. I'm already testing it and it seems to be working fine...

    "A saint does what is right. A leader does what is necessary."

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanrockid View Post
    Next update will feature visual aid for the first 3 aggro choices. I'm already testing it and it seems to be working fine..
    This looks really great, but be careful here: the icons in the top left might clash with the Indicators (or similar) extension which are quite widely used.

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by Arnagus View Post
    This looks really great, but be careful here: the icons in the top left might clash with the Indicators (or similar) extension which are quite widely used.
    Position and size are customizable as well.
    "A saint does what is right. A leader does what is necessary."

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanrockid View Post
    Position and size are customizable as well.
    Excellent, thanks for considering - let's hope the overlays are not interfering.

  8. #68
    Hey, I've been playing around a bit with this and I really like it.
    One thing, I'd like to note. In PF2RPG the differentiation between 'irrational', 'rational', and 'intelligent' doesn't seem to work. I assume this is because in PF2 Ability Scores are Modifiers only and I guess the extension checks for the score. I can set the values to 0 to make them work, which supports this. Maybe you can look into this?
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