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  1. #151
    Ooops... it just links back to rmilmine's original extension link (at the top of this thread).

    So, I guess my question is still out there. Should this work in current FG?

    Thanks, again,

    - s.west

  2. #152

    Never mind... I already had subscribed (!) to the renamed extension (which appears in The Forge).

    And, not only that, but it does work correctly (I took my player's report that things weren't working without checking out the situation.)

    So, this series of posts can be ignored, except to note that, yes, as of 2/1/2025, the "Advanced Item Actions" extension from The Forge is, indeed, working.

    - s.west

    p.s. I am having a problem with 'action tab' entries not disappearing when the item (wand, staff, whatever) has been removed from the inventory. However, I'll take that up separately after today's game session.


  3. #153
    Has anyone else had an issue with spells above level 1 importing as cantrips? I've been able to make it okay for potions by having a potion specific version of spells I want imported all at level 1, but when adding anything that references a spell above level 1 it imports it as a level 0 cantrip instead. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if it's a known issue.

    From what I understand it seems like it's meant to create a level 1 caster slot for the spells regardless of level, instead anything that isn't already level 1 is getting turned into a cantrip.
    Last edited by CassMerry; March 8th, 2025 at 20:46.

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