Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #251
    Uff, I had a huge update to do. It should be all fixed now, thanks for the patience!

    Edit: I guess I need to capture new screenshots!
    Last edited by dsaraujo; November 20th, 2024 at 19:48.
    Daniel Salles de Araújo (@dsaraujo)
    Developer of PFRPG2 GM Enhancements - Improve your Pathfinder 2E game!
    Check out the Pathfinder Deck of Endless NPCs!

  2. #252
    I have found a Rune Forge bug with Precious Materials. The new GM Core version of the Materials refers to items as "Cold Iron Weapon - Low Grade Cold Iron Weapon" as a subcategory of Precious Material Weapon, instead of just Precious Material like the Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rules does.

    This seems to be an issue for all Precious Material in the Remaster. It has the added descriptor of Weapon, Shield or Armor after it and doesn't appear to work with Rune Forge correctly now.

  3. #253
    I did a small fix that should work, but I can't fully test it (short time before holiday here). Let me know if it works or breaks everything.
    Daniel Salles de Araújo (@dsaraujo)
    Developer of PFRPG2 GM Enhancements - Improve your Pathfinder 2E game!
    Check out the Pathfinder Deck of Endless NPCs!

  4. #254
    Quote Originally Posted by dsaraujo View Post
    I did a small fix that should work, but I can't fully test it (short time before holiday here). Let me know if it works or breaks everything.
    Seems to work now. Thanks for the quick fix!

  5. #255
    Small release today 1.13 to remove the functionality of Elite/Weak creatures and Hero Point distribution since Trenloe added them directly to the Core module for everybody! Since I am reducing the functionality of the extension, I'm also reducing the price of the extension to 500 coins permanently for people that didn't get it yet. Thanks all for of your patronage!
    Daniel Salles de Araújo (@dsaraujo)
    Developer of PFRPG2 GM Enhancements - Improve your Pathfinder 2E game!
    Check out the Pathfinder Deck of Endless NPCs!

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