Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    Hiding Harrowed in Deadlands Weird West

    Hey everybody.

    I got a new group of players playing Deadlands: weird west. We've only tinkered in Savage Worlds and they don't know anything about the harrowed or really any of the supernatural parts of it. Is there anyway I can hide the Harrowed edges and other things so they're not reading those when making characters or during the games? I'd like it if that comes up, for them to be completely surprised by a hero rising from the dead, like they would be in real life. vshare
    Last edited by mukesh140; Yesterday at 07:24.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY
    The only way to do this is to copy all the edges, then unload the guide. But everything else in the guide would be inaccessible. So you'd have to copy everything from the guide just to hide the edges.
    Add feature suggestions for Savage Worlds to Fantasy Grounds Feature Request.

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