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  1. #61
    In the past Mongoose has said that those who purchased the CRB would get the updated version for free when it comes out.

    If that is still true I think depends on how long it takes for the updated version to arrive once their VTT team is organized for publishing again.
    We do not stop playing because we grow old.
    We grow old because we stop playing.



  2. #62
    I just added more items to the main post as many were missing. I am going to look at possibly reorganizing things there. Maybe alphabetically or something.

  3. #63
    • Reorganized the entire first post
    • Updated some incorrect Store links
    • Added status for Deepnight Revelation 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6
    Last edited by Stargrove; January 18th, 2025 at 16:45.

  4. #64
    Deepnight Revelation 2: The Near Side Of Yonder is generally available:

    Announcement Thread: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...Side-Of-Yonder

  5. #65
    Deepnight Revelation 3 & 4 are both now generally available:

    Announcement Thread: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...read.php?84185

  6. #66
    Is there a list of whats next? So many good ones to do I want them all

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Naplam View Post
    Is there a list of whats next? So many good ones to do I want them all

    • Deepnight Revelations Book 5: Voidshore just came out this week
    • Deepnight Revelations Book 6: Expeditions is in review right now
    • Central Supply Catalog 2023 Update: In Development (so many tables!)

    The first post of this thread has the most up to date info right now for products I am working on. Unfortunately, I am unaware of anyone else working on any others right now. I have not decided what I am going to work on after I finish the CSC 2023 Update. I am trying to stay away from books that might need ruleset changes (I know there aren't that many).

  8. #68
    Do you have any infomation on if/when we might see ruleset changes in traveller? Sure seems odd that Fantasy Grounds is still supporting bugfix on MGT2E even though Mongoose is doing VTT work in-house? nobody seems to have (or willing to give) a straight answer or solid direction or plan. At this point, I'd be happy with "Sometime in the next decade we're going to do something for sure for MGT2E rulset" :-) impatient? Not really... Its been years. Is MGT3 getting ready to come out and they're waiting for that?

  9. #69
    The ruleset is currently in maintenance mode as the developer has stepped away. We do maintain the ruleset for bug fixes and provide expansions if time permits. You haven't mentioned what you would like to see in the ruleset expanded, but you can relay them and we see how much work it is and see if we can work on it with our other projects.
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

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    Have a suggestion?-Feature Request

  10. #70
    No. Just the fact that your providing bug fixes is pretty great.

    I thought MBM had started the 2024 update. I also thought 2300AD was just around the corner. I'd love to see vehicles and robots in the CBT tracker. Maybe an effect system. You know... easy stuff. ;-) I even thought? 2300AD was in review (for a looong time) Which makes me think there might be something up. Has Smiteworks had any contact with MBM/Mongoose? He's running the VTT support I think. I'll reach out to him and ask.

    Maybe I'm the only one who is waiting. lol

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