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Commander and Guardian playtest classes from Paizo's Battlecry! Playtest.

  • Classes
  • Activities
  • Feats
  • Spells

All as automated as I know how

Limitations & Caveats
  • I will remove this module from the FG Forge when the official Battlecry! book (module) comes out. Whoever creates that official module can feel free to take anything they want from this module!
  • Commanders (and Runesmiths from the Impossible Playtest) have a unique type of spellclass (it's not Prepared, and it's not Spontaneous... it's somewhere between the two). I don't know how to code this new type of spellclass, so I used Cantrips for a spontaneous spellclass instead. I suspect the PFRPG2 rule set will be updated in the future with this new type of spellclass.