5E Character Create Playlist
  1. #1
    Intruder's Avatar
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    Dec 2016
    Lower NY State

    [Paid][LFP][5e2014] A Grand Destiny

    FG License Type: (DM) Ultimate
    Game System: D&D 5th Edition (PHB 2014)
    Day of week and time: Varies unless player(s) request, can be practically any day, 0900-20000 hrs EST (-4)
    Term: Paid, $16 per session
    Voice software used: Discord

    * New player friendly
    * Many opportunities to role play
    * An old Dungeon Master who has played every edition
    * Sound effects and Ambient Background to heighten your fun
    * Combat, Puzzles and Mysteries

    Experience all the content of every published Adventure from Dungeons and Dragons!
    You start by accepting an unassuming role of Caravan Escort, possibly meeting others who have made the same career choice. Along the way you learn of rumors and other tales concerning Dragons, Devils and Demons, Ghosts and Abominations that bring a chill to your bones.
    Set before you are "Shattered Obelisk", "Shadow of the Dragon Queen", "Descent into Avernus", "Dungeon of the Mad Mage".
    All of these Adventures, and more, are there for you, choose the path and your characters destiny.
    The village ahead starts your journey. Accept the challenge!

    All of the Adventures are arranged with their first Quests in parallel. Play some or all then expand one or more paths. Progression is XP based with additional merit for non-combat activities.

    Unknown to you, Intrigue and Danger surround every step you take. The world moves on every hour according to its own agenda. You will encounter many NPCs; some may be shopkeepers or tailors or blacksmiths. They all carry information that may or may not be valuable to you. If you can interact with them, you may glean their secrets!
    Your interactions, all the ones you choose to take that is, guide your invisible path along the way to whatever awaits you. Evil creatures of great power work their own plans, as well as good creatures of equal power. Who will you join and who will you choose to oppose?

    The campaign is never a "railroad". It is a matrix of paths, and it will be up to you to determine with one(s) you will take.

    Last edited by Intruder; January 28th, 2025 at 11:56.

  2. #2
    Intruder's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Lower NY State
    Still looking.......

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