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    Morenu's Avatar
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    Looking for a little help

    1st off, posting this has been OK’d by Smite Works (Thank you), If ANYTHING here concerns the Smite Works team, please either change it or reach out and I will change it. Thank you again.

    The quick overview / cliff notes:

    I have decided to offer something for free to the entire community in a thank you to SW for allowing this post. Look for my Free Token, Image & 2.5 Image packs soon on the forge (will link here once ready). As a preview, this is the PFrpg mod that it will be taken from (so the images will be uploaded as a stand alone forge pak): PFrpg AI Mod ** Edit- For now I have released what is finished to a shared google drive that I update at the same time as I add it to the mod. The Forge availability is on hold until I have time to learn how to package it all properly. more info and link at the bottom of this post and on post #6 **

    When finished, this should amount to around 3000 - 3500 of each image style, each named so all 3 styles “link” up nicely. I am currently about 10% done (309 of each type) and I update the mods every 10 or so added critters. So, since they are ALL AI created, I am offering them to the community for free and they may be used in a reasonable way in their projects (added to adventures, used in Bestiarys for non PFrpg 1e rulesets and so on)


    My family has been having a rough past 3 years. A dear friend set up a go fund me for my wife / family. Details after the ask.

    Gofundme Link

    Any of these help.

    1. Any relevant response on this forum post helps keep it visible here. Smite Works was gracious to allow me to post this so please don’t just bump the post. I do not want them to regret saying yes.
    2. Going to the Go Fund Me page and sharing the page can be insanely helpful at no cost to you besides time.
    3. Obviously IF you have the means and inclination, ANY donation helps both in obviously the dollar amount but also in the interaction / interest / visibility. (If you prefer not to give 2.9%+ $.30 to Gofundme, feel free to use my FGU paypal instead @morenuFGU doesn’t boost but no fee)
    4. EDIT** seems GFM doesn't do messages anymore **If you do give, please leave a From the fantasygrounds(dot)com community message in the donation text as a thanks to Smite Works.

    Family Details for those that like more information: Links at the end

    Me: In January 2023, I medically retired from teaching after 27 years due to uncontrolled migraines that started in late 2021. I am currently on a fixed medical retirement income that is less than half of my teacher salary. Due to the migraines that typically occur multiple times a week. There are few jobs that would tolerate the unpredictability. I am now a stay at home father, Homeschool teacher of my daughter, occasional farm hand, caretaker of many animals, handyman for our farm and both my mother and MiL that both live on our farm.

    Wife: My wife, Daisy, is a Farrier that has run her own business since 2004 and has become an internationally known and respected practitioner and educator in the Horse world. She runs a farrier practice, a rehabilitation center, a horse rescue (working on our non-profit status), and several educational arms including an international school. She does this by working over 12 hours a day, 7 days a week much of the time. Since my Retirement, She has also had to become the main source of income for our household (prior to this, my income ran 85% of our personal budget, with her business constantly adding its income mainly back into itself)

    Her website. Links to her school and such are all there.

    So WTF happened? Past 2 months:

    My wife has been preliminarily diagnosed with Guillain Barre syndrome causing neurological issues that currently include numbness in her extremities, weakness, susceptibility to cold and nerve damage (plus many other possible issues that thankfully have not shown themselves at this time). And it unfortunately seems to be chronic. Tests are ongoing and final diagnosis is still up in the air, but She can not work under horses at this point, she needs to rest much more than normal and depends on her employees, apprentices and friends to keep the business and family running.

    Initially, She went into the hospital 4 - 5 weeks ago for 10 days, in-patient, and received treatment. She unfortunately had to return again about 2 weeks later for an additional 6 days of treatment. We are all working extremely hard to keep everything going, but this has crushed our financial reserves and we have not gotten all the medical bills yet (Insurance is doing its thing for now but not everything is covered). Our payroll is over 11K every 2 weeks. Our staff is amazing and is always our top concern. Keeping the lights on, food on the table and a roof over said table is next. Then the animal care (sometimes they come before our table and roof) and the other family members we have to support.

    We need help. Anything in the list above helps.

    Thank you.

    If you have ANY questions, I will do my best to share what I can. Post them here or reach out through PM if you feel it needs to be private.

    Her website
    My PFrpg bestiary
    Links to the Tokens and Image mods will be added asap
    Google Drive Link to Images and Tokens for now. I will create a Mod when time allows. If anyone adds the XML info for the images, please share here so I can add it to the image shares
    Last edited by Morenu; February 16th, 2025 at 04:30.
    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance Here is the forum Link.

    40+ PF1e Extensions & Modules I use, with links.

    PF1E Coding Effects - Spreadsheet

    Discord: Morenu

  2. #2
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    So sorry to hear about the terrible experience you and your family are going through. I've donated but forgot to add "From the Fantasygrounds(dot)com community." Hope you weather this and come out the other side OK...
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  3. #3
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    I couldn't see where to add a message

    I do hope your awful situation improves somewhat soon.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  4. #4
    Morenu's Avatar
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    Thank you to those of you that have viewed the post especially if you did any of the 3 items. My wife is amazed at the outpouring she has gotten so far..

    I am trying to work on releasing the Token and Portrait forge items, but I did not do it right so still working on the 2 files (I exported the image files only and the respective mods are basically empty).

    If anyone has the knowledge to help me so I don't waste anyone else's time, I am trying to release an image (portrait) pack and a Token pack on forge that will update as I add images / tokens respectively.

    I found these 2 links but wanted to make sure that the Portrait one is just that simple and then if the token one needs to be that hard (LOL).



    Found some more posts:
    LordEntrails post Creating Image Sets
    Zacchaeus post How to make a Token Module *includes a video*
    I think those 2 will cover it mostly, but OMG its a lot more than I though LOL, the level of organization. sigh, you creators are crazy... but I hear I am retired and can do this in my spare time.
    Last edited by Morenu; January 20th, 2025 at 21:28.
    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance Here is the forum Link.

    40+ PF1e Extensions & Modules I use, with links.

    PF1E Coding Effects - Spreadsheet

    Discord: Morenu

  5. #5
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    I was just going to point you to my post. If you have any questions. Let me know here or via Discord for more interactive engagement. lordentrails#8653

    Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
    On Licensing & Distributing Community Content
    Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  6. #6
    Morenu's Avatar
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    OK, seems the making the token pak and the images are a bit more involved then I though BUT I am still on it. It will just be longer to release as I need to make sure it is done correctly and doesn't have glaring mistakes.

    As there will be so many, I would like to figure out a good work flow, the Bestiary pics I tend to do about 6 critters an hour depending on any editing, that is image creation, saving, remove background, save, create token, save. repeat for about 9 images (3 NPCs). open in paint.net, resize, edit if needed, crop if needed, resave as webp to 35kb or less, move to image and token folders, add to NPCs. repeat. and I am getting pickier with the AI images as I learn how to get closer to an image I want.

    I will be integrating the xml info into my Bestiary at the same time since the work will be done for the token and portrait paks.

    And thank you to all that have gone to the GFM page, shared it and/or donated as well as the well wished several have expressed. No new news at this point but there are several Dr visits coming up next week.
    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance Here is the forum Link.

    40+ PF1e Extensions & Modules I use, with links.

    PF1E Coding Effects - Spreadsheet

    Discord: Morenu

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Morenu View Post
    OK, seems the making the token pak and the images are a bit more involved then I though BUT I am still on it. It will just be longer to release as I need to make sure it is done correctly and doesn't have glaring mistakes.
    Sorry to hear your current predicament, Morenu. Don't think I forgot to help. After the combat guide finishes, I'll be extra available.

    If any of you beautiful people wants to help the cause, you can do so by helping us finishing this list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1...h.s2jryrtl44mw

    1 monster is 1 monster. It'll help tremendously to know which monsters are missing to work on them. I'll also add some stats to help.

    But if you want to convert some monster stats for Morenu to add AI art, here's the instructions: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...l=1#post730247

    God Bless.
    If you want to solo your way through FGU, I write about Solo RPG methods and reviews for Resources in my All Things Solo blog.
    Actual Play Logs are in Solo Play Adventures. And Solo GM Notes are in GM's Tome of Experiments.
    Now with Multichannel ChitChat - AI Podcast Series.

  8. #8
    Morenu's Avatar
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    OK, so as life does, things have gotten more complicated with real life stuff. so, since making the Forge pack is more involved than I thought and I do not have time to learn how to do that atm (still on my to do list), I wanted to put something out at least. The following link is a Google Drive link to all the Images and Tokens I have done so far and I will update them whenever I add to the Bestiary. I will remove this when I finally release them on Forge, but for now this at least makes them available. If anyone adds XML info to any of the images, please share them here so I can include it for everyone.

    As stated in the original post, Any reasonable use is allowed, even in a paid product as long as it is not a token/image pack sold for $. if it is a released product, please give a link to this post or my forge bestiary.
    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance Here is the forum Link.

    40+ PF1e Extensions & Modules I use, with links.

    PF1E Coding Effects - Spreadsheet

    Discord: Morenu

  9. #9
    Morenu's Avatar
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    Anyone able to confirm the link works and you can download images?

    Oh, and I Added around 20 or so more NPC image sets since initial upload.
    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance Here is the forum Link.

    40+ PF1e Extensions & Modules I use, with links.

    PF1E Coding Effects - Spreadsheet

    Discord: Morenu

  10. #10
    I just downloaded it an checked some images in it. It's working.

    I also tried to make a centaur in Stable Diffusion but man, do I suck at it :/ I thought even if I can't make it look good, you can use the stance/pose to use in img2img converter but without luck.
    I'll take another shot after I watched more videos.

    I figured using "Sagittarius" in the prompts would help but nope. It doesn't have any symbol pictionary.
    Last edited by Tempered7; February 16th, 2025 at 10:45.
    If you want to solo your way through FGU, I write about Solo RPG methods and reviews for Resources in my All Things Solo blog.
    Actual Play Logs are in Solo Play Adventures. And Solo GM Notes are in GM's Tome of Experiments.
    Now with Multichannel ChitChat - AI Podcast Series.

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