Thread: Hot bar rolls.

  1. #1

    Hot bar rolls.

    Is there a way to set up a hot bar to roll a skill in this case engineering J drive then roll the time 148 + 6d6 so you would get 2 results from one click. I know I can do it with 2 separate actions. But I am curious about if it can be done.
    Thanks for any and all help.

  2. #2
    Each hot key can only hold a single drag action; so unless the ruleset had a special kind of drag that gives 2 results, it wouldn't be something that you would be able to link like that.


  3. #3
    That’s a shame but thank you.

  4. #4
    Type it into the chat then drag that to the hot bar before rolling?

    Would need the Engineering roll to be typed out also.
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