Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #461
    It doesn't appear to me that the Heavy Pulse mod on laser rifles such as the L-20 and Wilk's 457 is applying properly. Even when the mod is set to "on" only 1 round is used, the +1 is not being added to the shooting roll, and the +3 is not applied to the damage roll.

  2. #462
    Quote Originally Posted by Nagorak2 View Post
    It doesn't appear to me that the Heavy Pulse mod on laser rifles such as the L-20 and Wilk's 457 is applying properly. Even when the mod is set to "on" only 1 round is used, the +1 is not being added to the shooting roll, and the +3 is not applied to the damage roll.
    I will take a look over the weekend. Thanks
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  3. #463
    I'm not sure if these are too minor to worry about but I noticed a couple of text errors:

    Books - Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide - Chapter One: Characters - Character Creation - Characters: The info in this section appears to be listed twice in a row (it is listed once and then same info appears to repeat).

    Edge - Crystal Mastery (From Atlantis Supplement): On the second line of the description the t from "teleport" is separated from the word and is not in italics.

    Edges List - Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide: Improved Arcane Resistance edge is listed three times, all of which appear to be identical.
    Last edited by Nagorak; December 7th, 2024 at 09:10.

  4. #464
    Quote Originally Posted by Nagorak View Post
    I'm not sure if these are too minor to worry about but I noticed a couple of text errors:

    Books - Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide - Chapter One: Characters - Character Creation - Characters: The info in this section appears to be listed twice in a row (it is listed once and then same info appears to repeat).

    Edge - Crystal Mastery (From Atlantis Supplement): On the second line of the description the t from "teleport" is separated from the word and is not in italics.

    Edges List - Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide: Improved Arcane Resistance edge is listed three times, all of which appear to be identical.
    Thanks. I will add this to my to-do list.
    Savage Rifts© on Fantasy Grounds Store
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  5. #465
    Last one, hehe.

    A few NPCs with Uncanny Reflexes don't have the -2 against being hit properly applying in combat.

    Juicer, Crazy: The effect under the ability appears to be listed as "@Attacks -2" instead of "@Attack -2".
    Coalition Juicer, Kasey (from Kasey's Ambush encounter): These don't have the effect listed under Uncanny Reflexes at all.
    Last edited by Nagorak; December 7th, 2024 at 11:56.

  6. #466
    Quote Originally Posted by Nagorak View Post
    Last one, hehe.

    A few NPCs with Uncanny Reflexes don't have the -2 against being hit properly applying in combat.

    Juicer, Crazy: The effect under the ability appears to be listed as "@Attacks -2" instead of "@Attack -2".
    Coalition Juicer, Kasey (from Kasey's Ambush encounter): These don't have the effect listed under Uncanny Reflexes at all.
    This is all fixed now. Thanks for reporting.
    Savage Rifts© on Fantasy Grounds Store
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  7. #467
    Updated GMs Handbook, Savage Foes of NA, and Tomorrow Legion Players Guide to completely match the latest errata/updates from Pinnacle. Most of this was done already, but there were some additional changes in the latest update PDF.

    Should go out on Tuesday Update.
    Savage Rifts© on Fantasy Grounds Store
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  8. #468
    Quote Originally Posted by Nagorak View Post
    It doesn't appear to me that the Heavy Pulse mod on laser rifles such as the L-20 and Wilk's 457 is applying properly. Even when the mod is set to "on" only 1 round is used, the +1 is not being added to the shooting roll, and the +3 is not applied to the damage roll.
    I tested this, works ok, but you may have to remove and re-add the Mod to the weapon on the character sheet.
    Last edited by Jiminimonka; January 26th, 2025 at 20:36.
    Savage Rifts© on Fantasy Grounds Store
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  9. #469
    As you can see here - there are a few updates to Rifts content - and I am picking the brain of Mike to do something special with the Rifts extension... but I won't reveal it until its working and done.
    Savage Rifts© on Fantasy Grounds Store
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