Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #391
    Majyk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Canada (Insomniac)
    Hi all, Ardem no longer runs an RMFRP game and mentioned he’d stop supporting the extension a bit ago, if memory serves - at least not working on issues with the same frequency.
    (see above a page or three, if not the front page).
    I’ll poke him if he hasn’t seen this already, but it may take some time for a fix.

    (this is why Dakadin is such a huge boon for the RM community as a whole for just his base RMC / FG support all this time.
    Nobody perseveres like that, no matter the zeal. That said, effuse much thankfulness when it does happen! &#127867

    Quote Originally Posted by Sondegard View Post
    Error as shown in image.
    Skills page not presenting.

  2. #392
    Based on those errors, it wouldn't surprise me if you are getting them because you turned on a theme? If so, try turning them off and see if the errors clear.

  3. #393
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimbold11 View Post
    Based on those errors, it wouldn't surprise me if you are getting them because you turned on a theme? If so, try turning them off and see if the errors clear.
    No themes only the RMFRP extension

  4. #394
    For now, I have given up on RMFRP and will be sticking with RMC. I GM weekly and too many issues are creeping in, especially now with the extension creator, Ardem, no longer maintaining the code - CoreRPG changes are exacerbating the situation. Sure, I can work around the issues, but when long-term players are getting frustrated in game, it is time to think of the bigger picture.

    It was fantastic while it lasted (thanks Ardem, for all your efforts over the years!), and RMFRP is certainly a better ruleset than RMC due to its organisation and higher resolution of the skills. But I started with RM1 and GMed everything up to RMC across the decades, so painful systems are nothing new.

    RMC still plays like RMFRP, but is heavily simplified, with big changes to Stats and Skills, oh, and the RMFRP SM Tables - got to love those. Most other concerns for NPC stats and Items are trivial in comparison.

    RMC also has some catering for RMFRP built into it already - including the ability to implement Skill Categories with their Skills - just not the Category Bonus flow on - it has to be done manually just like the skills. The biggest problem being that there is no FRP Calculation options for skill/category progressions - a simple programming problem for Dakadin to implement.

    The rest I will add into the RMC rules forum.


    Socially Distanced since 08/2008 C.E.

    Preferred Rule Systems:
    — D&D (any); RM2, RMFRP; SM2, SM:P; PF2, SF; +++
    — SWRPG (FFG); Genesys; L5R (FFG), WFRP (3rd Ed, FFG)

    Discord: griffonbait
    Ultimate Licenses: FGC + FGU, FoundryVTT, ++

    Timezone: Aussie Central Standard Time (ACST) (UTC +8.5, +9.5 daylight savings time)
    Playtime: Prefer 7:00 AM - 11:00 PM ACST

    — GMing: RMFRP Weekly, Friday 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM [FGU];
    — Playing:

  5. #395
    Heya Griffonbait! Hope all is well!! I'm playing with RMU right now and it is REALLY good. It fixes a lot of the issues we've all suffered from over the years (not all of them but a lot of them) and I quite like it. Unfortunately to play with it you'd have to switch over to Foundry (a VTT very comparable to Fantasy Grounds as far as features go) or Roll20 (which is way behind the curve but at least it is free). Creature Law isn't out yet but should be in the next six months so with as much experience as you have, I'm sure you'd have no problems converting a few NPCs over to RMU levels at least until Creature Law is released.

    For what it's worth, my own RMC game became corrupted over the last few patches Fantasy Grounds pushed out so I feel your pain. If RMU doesn't pop up here in the next six months, I'll be switching to Foundry as well...*sigh*

  6. #396
    Quote Originally Posted by Griffonbait View Post
    For now, I have given up on RMFRP and will be sticking with RMC. I GM weekly and too many issues are creeping in, especially now with the extension creator, Ardem, no longer maintaining the code - CoreRPG changes are exacerbating the situation. Sure, I can work around the issues, but when long-term players are getting frustrated in game, it is time to think of the bigger picture.

    It was fantastic while it lasted (thanks Ardem, for all your efforts over the years!), and RMFRP is certainly a better ruleset than RMC due to its organisation and higher resolution of the skills. But I started with RM1 and GMed everything up to RMC across the decades, so painful systems are nothing new.

    RMC still plays like RMFRP, but is heavily simplified, with big changes to Stats and Skills, oh, and the RMFRP SM Tables - got to love those. Most other concerns for NPC stats and Items are trivial in comparison.

    RMC also has some catering for RMFRP built into it already - including the ability to implement Skill Categories with their Skills - just not the Category Bonus flow on - it has to be done manually just like the skills. The biggest problem being that there is no FRP Calculation options for skill/category progressions - a simple programming problem for Dakadin to implement.

    The rest I will add into the RMC rules forum.

    For us we have no problem with running RFRPG- Dakadin is fixing the bugs, but is not loading them up to the forge-I asked him to do that- in the meantime if you want, I can sent you a fixed version? By the way we are using ERA to develop the chars and only put all manually into FGU, because then we are sure, that the bonus is right. I already put all of the spells from channeling/essence comp/arcane compendium into FGU so would never go back to RMC...
    Last edited by micael; December 23rd, 2024 at 11:24.

  7. #397
    after the newest updates, FRPG is broken again:

    1. Spell window can´t make bigger and left row with dices & totals can´t be read any more
    2. Skill window produces a big error messagee and change of ranks don´t add anymore to higher totals
    3. First time opening of equipment window gives error messages
    4. attack to NPCs will no longer automatically shows apply button if hit for next step doing critical
    Any idea Dakadin, when this could be fixed?
    Attached Images Attached Images

  8. #398
    Hi micael,

    This isn't my extension and I don't have time to fix it at this point. I got permission from Ardem to give the code to another forum user that will hopefully have time to work on it.


  9. #399
    Greetings Gentlemen.
    I downloaded an FRP file and made some adjustments to it, layout and errors, so I stopped with some problems that I couldn't solve.
    1 - Remove the NPC Magic No Name ESF Rolagem
    2 - Remove the 0 from the column of the ESF, now named as SCM.
    3 - Add non-NPC PC spell aba automation.
    4 - Define rolagens of skills and magic is not precise, when the column and line cross and the apply button appears.
    * It does not send the result or effect to the chat name to the NPC, here is the file we will try to solve these problems.
    Then I was unable to do.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    DND - Package | PFRPG2 - Package | Rolemaster (Classic) - Package | SW - Package | Traveller 2E - Package

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