Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Birthplace of Blackmoor
    Wow!! I cant thank you enough!

  2. #12
    This is a wonderful extension! Thank you so much!

    I do have a question/request? Is there any chance we could be given the option to alter how much food or water a character needs per day? Or by size? For example, I'm running a Dark Sun campaign and the water requirements there are twice the normal amount. I'd love to be able to alter the default numbers if that is possible.

    Either way, thanks for this! Extremely useful

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by thedruski View Post
    This is a wonderful extension! Thank you so much!

    I do have a question/request? Is there any chance we could be given the option to alter how much food or water a character needs per day? Or by size? For example, I'm running a Dark Sun campaign and the water requirements there are twice the normal amount. I'd love to be able to alter the default numbers if that is possible.

    Either way, thanks for this! Extremely useful
    Hmm, there isnt a way currently. I will have to think of a way to implement this that makes sense.
    For support with any of my extensions, visit my #mattekure-stuff channel on Rob2e's discord

  4. #14

    Sustenance Tracker

    Any one have any feedback on the Sustenance Tracker extension

    I am looking for something that tracks food and water which it does seem to do, but looking for it to remove rations/water from inventory when a long rest is finished

    Is that something it does, or does any one know of a different one that does it


    Mod: Moved post to here so that you will get an answer.
    Last edited by Zacchaeus; May 13th, 2024 at 15:57.
    __________________________________________________ ___________________
    UK Based DM - Ultimate Licence Holder
    Discord: Mavrik6666#9572

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Mavrik6666 View Post
    I am looking for something that tracks food and water which it does seem to do, but looking for it to remove rations/water from inventory when a long rest is finished

    Is that something it does, or does any one know of a different one that does it.
    There is no linking of the tracker to the inventory, but it is linked to the long rest

  6. #16
    I would suggest another extension to at least remind the players of actions they need to take on their char sheet for long rest...

  7. #17

    Error With Extension

    Hey! So, I just bought this today since I was looking to get into running a more survival oriented version of Curse of Strahd, but it seems like something has gone wrong. I am fully open to user error here, but after loading the extension I got a huge error opening a character sheet. I have screenshots and the logs. Completely blank campaign with just a few player option modules loaded, no extensions other than sustenance tracker and turbo. sus proof.pngsus proof too.png
    Attached Files Attached Files

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by KnightMark View Post
    Hey! So, I just bought this today since I was looking to get into running a more survival oriented version of Curse of Strahd, but it seems like something has gone wrong. I am fully open to user error here, but after loading the extension I got a huge error opening a character sheet. I have screenshots and the logs. Completely blank campaign with just a few player option modules loaded, no extensions other than sustenance tracker and turbo. sus proof.pngsus proof too.png
    Thanks for reporting, looks like they changed some of the anchoring points. I'll get an update pushed to fix it.
    For support with any of my extensions, visit my #mattekure-stuff channel on Rob2e's discord

  9. #19
    I pushed an update to v1.6 which should fix the error. please update and try again.

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