Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    Disappearing Assets

    Not sure if this is a bug for the ruleset or Fantasy Grounds as a whole, but my assets keep disappearing. I make a battle map and save it, gone; nothing in the image record. I make a relic, gone; doesn't exist in the items anymore. I make a parcel for loot, gone; doesn't exist. I make new monsters, gone; they don't exist. Literally nothing has changed about my campaign since before this started happening the last couple sessions. This is super frustrating and makes me want to quit this ruleset and maybe FGU as a whole if it can't even save simple things like new items or battle maps.

    Anyone have a similar issue? A fix?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Answered in the House of Healing thread.

    Closing this one as duplicate.


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