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  1. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by Tex View Post
    Yeah, it's still not working. My friend loaded and is having same issue. Please help.
    You'll only be able to upcast the spells that can be upcast. If you hover over the button arcane ward adds, if it says cast, then it isn't able to be upcast. If it says "Cast at Lvl 1" then if you hold shift and click the button you'll notice the tool tip changes to "Cast at Lvl 2" or "Cast as Ritual". If its still isn't working try with no other extensions like Zac said. I'm not seeing any issue on my end.

  2. #92
    Version Update: 1.17
    Support for Automatic Wild Magic Surge extension

  3. #93
    Version Update: 1.18
    Update for 2024 rules

  4. #94
    I don't know what I am doing wrong but I cannot get this to work. Can someone help me? I built an abjuration wizard using the 2024 PHB and the abilites are showing up as spellcasting and arcane ward but the small icons aren't showing up and I dont see the ward anywehre.

  5. #95
    Version Update v1.19
    Fixed: Arcane Ward Cast button not showing up due to database node change by SW
    Update: License

    This one took me a bit to track down what was going on. SW, I assume during UI updates decided to change the underlying database node for an existing control which obviouslly breaks me. It continued to work for existing legacy chars because they also left the old node as cruft in the database. Not really sure why they do stuff like this.

  6. #96
    Well, I thank you for the fix but do not understand any of that. You do the lords work.

  7. #97
    are you saying it still doesn't work?

  8. #98
    Version Update: v1.20
    Fixed: Cast button not showing up/going away depending on mode
    Fixed: 2024 spells not able to be upcast

  9. #99
    Version Update v1.21
    Fixed: Power getting marked hidden when last available spell slot used (sort of)
    Cast buttons show in standard mode
    Added option to allow upcasting of any spell

    If you click the cast button and burn the last spell slot, the spell(s) won't disappear when in combat mode until the start of the next turn. There is still the issue of any rituals still disappear and if you have a spell that needs some sort of action on subsequent turns, those are gone too. This is more of a SW issue as this disappearing stuff is standard FG behavior.
    Last edited by rhagelstrom; February 17th, 2025 at 01:07.

  10. #100

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