Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    Thumbs up Shadowdark Resources

    Shadowdark Resources:
    Make more than ONE character!
    Torches only last an hour in real time!

    Key Features of Shadowdark RPG:
    1.) d20-Based Roll-High System: Encourages quick decision-making, with torches lasting only one hour of real time.
    2.) No Darkvision: Enhances the sense of danger, making light sources essential for survival.
    3.) Simple Encumbrance and Low Hit Points: Ensures fast and deadly combat, emphasizing tactical planning.
    4.) Unique Magic System: The roll-to-cast spells add risk and excitement to magic use.
    5.) Treasure-Based XP: Simplifies tracking and rewards exploration and discovery.

    Additional Resources:
    For those interested in exploring Shadowdark RPG further, here are some useful links:

    Interview with Kelsey Dionne:
    Fantasy Grounds Developer Interview:
    Fantasy Grounds Product Link:
    Shadowdark RPG Official Website:
    Shadowdark Tools and Resources:
    FutureWolf's Shadowdark Resources:
    Example of Fantasy Grounds Play, Playlist:
    3rd Party Article:

    Happy Gaming Folks!
    FGA Founder
    FGU teacher and student!
    Ultimate License Holder
    Discord Alias: Laerun#6969

  2. #2
    A collection of pre-generated zero-level Shadowdark PCs for running funnel adventures:

    Some black and white PC portraits for use with Shadowdark:

  3. #3
    Thanks for collecting this info!
    I recently purchased Shadowdark PDF and Print. I will likely pick up the FGU conversion once I feel ready to run.

  4. #4

    Simple Shadowdark Decal

    I'm not sure if anyone else wants/needs custom decals anymore, but here's something I'm pretty happy with.
    I'd have uploaded a smaller webp file, but I guess that's an invalid file type on the forums.

  5. #5
    Want to say thank you to all the folks who helped get SD on Fantasy Grounds. We have been playing it for a few one shots and it has been great.

    Only question is I can't find info on the Torch management tool, if there is a explainer somewhere please link.

  6. #6

    This video was made before I moved the button to the sidebar. Other than that works the same. it is linked to the CT so anytime you advance rounds it will update the timer. You can also of course manually check times

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post

    This video was made before I moved the button to the sidebar. Other than that works the same. it is linked to the CT so anytime you advance rounds it will update the timer. You can also of course manually check times
    I thought I noticed that lights were running our in less than hour of real time. I don't think it is supposed to do that RAW. Can you provide an option to make it so the timer does not run down based on combat rounds? I can see where some GMs may want in-game time to effect the timer.

  8. #8
    It runs on realtime. The combat tracker is a trigger to check real world time. If your not using the ct then as the gm you can check torch times with a button click. You cant have an actual clock in FG and you have to have something to trigger checking time on your pc
    Last edited by bayne7400; January 24th, 2025 at 16:58.

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