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  1. #211
    Quote Originally Posted by johniba View Post

    One of the biggest things to make it work on unity is to provide new fonts. The old rulesets like whfrp3 uses a mix of ttf fonts, and oft. Unity does not support oft and will cause issues.
    Just remembered I created a TTF equivalent of one of the oft fonts used in this ruleset. - it makes copy/pasting thing into and out of this ruleset more pleasant.

    Custom characters are mapped to è é ê ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ and includes bonus action items and stance symbols
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  2. #212
    Quote Originally Posted by Thete View Post
    Just remembered I created a TTF equivalent of one of the oft fonts used in this ruleset. - it makes copy/pasting thing into and out of this ruleset more pleasant.

    Custom characters are mapped to è é ê ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ and includes bonus action items and stance symbols
    This is going to be super useful, when i work on a new WFRP3 ruleset...
    I will still finish the genesys and star wars one thouh, but i love WFRP3 and i want to make a new one

  3. #213
    Any updates? We’ve progressed into Book 2 of The Enemy Within for 3rd edition (I have also entered some story bits, done groups etc, so if anyone is interested in getting access to these parts, just PM me). Things are running OKish in the old version, but switching to Unity would make it possible for me to get rid of using a Windows emulation on my Mac (and the whirring fans that accompany these kinds of CPU intensive tasks…)

  4. #214
    Any further updates? I have a few mac players and they nearly drove themselves mad trying to get it to run last time. Having a working version on Unity would be great...

  5. #215
    Hello, I have been playing with the ruleset, but I am having a problem exporting modules.

    When I try to export by going to the export pop-up /export I get the following error:

    Script Error: [string "classes/utilities/export.lua"]:86: export: Invalid parameters

    If anyone knows how to fix, it would be highly appreciated.

  6. #216
    Is the WFRP3e ruleset a viable option for playing on FGU?

    Does this system still work with the latest FGU updates in 2024?

    I have noticed it is not receiving any love on this forum for the last three and a half years, so is this ruleset dead?


    Socially Distanced since 08/2008 C.E.

    Preferred Rule Systems:
    — D&D (any); RM2, RMFRP; SM2, SM:P; PF2, SF; +++
    — SWRPG (FFG); Genesys; L5R (FFG), WFRP (3rd Ed, FFG)

    Discord: griffonbait
    Ultimate Licenses: FGC + FGU, FoundryVTT, ++

    Timezone: Aussie Central Standard Time (ACST) (UTC +8.5, +9.5 daylight savings time)
    Playtime: Prefer 7:00 AM - 11:00 PM ACST

    — GMing: RMFRP Weekly, Friday 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM [FGU];
    — Playing:

  7. #217
    Trenloe's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Griffonbait View Post
    I have noticed it is not receiving any love on this forum for the last three and a half years, so is this ruleset dead?
    Yes, it's unfortunately dead - it required too much work to make it compatible with FGU. It's a shame, as I really like WFRP3.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

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