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  1. #371
    Quote Originally Posted by SilentRuin View Post
    Was a whole firestorm where I was told first - accused by members of community to be lying about extensions being booted - and generally something I'd rather not remember. Gist is - I was first to be notified and it triggered the whole "hurry up and finish" forge project - which is why you see my extensions so low on the list numbers I was first to require it. Basically, WOTC lawyers did not want pure FGU stuff (which extensions are - most of them anyway) being sold under DMsG. This was the first shots in the massive WOTC playing darth vader with all the "Pray I do not change the deal any further" garbage - which eventually they backed off.
    Ooof. Thanks for the info. I just re-purchased Equipped Effects, fwiw. You've and the effect coding team have done a great service to the FG community and I have no problem tossing a few more bucks you way. Thanks, again!

  2. #372
    V1.72 - Update - many NPCs have limited vision and the text in their senses of "blind beyond..." so EE will now add VISMAX: x effect where x is the last distance before this text in senses. This makes the vision of that NPC work properly within its limits. Add the "blind beyond..." WOTC standard text to NPC senses you want to limit vision on will also automatically add this effect when adding an NPC into the CT. Code courtesy of Farratto.

    This came about when I realized blind things could see forever in ambient light or see light sources outside of their blindsense or tremorsense (as they had no other types of vision). My solution was not as elegant as Farratto's to the problem so am using his. WOTC data already has senses with "Blind beyond..." keywords that can be used to apply a VISMAX: x limit to vision based on distance found in senses before that keyword set. Option also provided defaulted to on so you can turn it off.

    From users perspective they have to do nothing as when an NPC that meets requirements is added into CT the effect will automatically be added to it.
    Free(Forums/Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):
    Paid (Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):

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