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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by nephranka View Post
    Maybe you can put in a check for B9's ext and remove the radial, that way others who don't use the ext would be uneffected?
    I could, but I'd have to find a way to get the unvaulted code for Spell Tokens. But in general radial menus are one of the hardest places to coordinate between extensions; there's absolutely no built-in way to avoid these kinds of collisions. So it's probably for the best that I don't use it and instead use the image toolbar, which does have a lot of support.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Saagael View Post
    I could, but I'd have to find a way to get the unvaulted code for Spell Tokens. But in general radial menus are one of the hardest places to coordinate between extensions; there's absolutely no built-in way to avoid these kinds of collisions. So it's probably for the best that I don't use it and instead use the image toolbar, which does have a lot of support.
    I see. B9 is easy to work with if you wanted to go that route. I am sure you could discuss the code with him but I am good either way. I can't lose the radial for B9 given how much I use it so, any solution works for me.

  3. #43

  4. #44
    Hello Saagael,

    I noticed that for "per second", you are leveraging mattekure's Timer. Unfortunately, there is no way to change the URL for the "delayed response" time server (I have mine hosted on localhost as his server sometimes... times out - thus stopping the timer).

    Would it be possible to leverage his option to point to the right server if his extension is loaded? Or alternatively add an option for this extension?

    He is using:
    -- Constants
    DEFAULT_TIMER_URL = "https://mattekure.com/Timer/"
    LOCALHOST_TIMER_URL = "http://localhost:1803"
    function getTimerUrl()
        if checkUrlOptionDefault() then
            return DEFAULT_TIMER_URL
            return LOCALHOST_TIMER_URL
    function checkUrlOptionDefault()
        return OptionsManager.isOption(TIMER_URL, DEFAULT_TIMER_URL)
    I see that this is hardcoded in your scripts/manager_path_timer.lua:
    Interface.openURL("https://mattekure.com/Timer/", onClock)
    Many thanks for considering!
    Last edited by Arnagus; January 4th, 2025 at 14:34.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Arnagus View Post
    Would it be possible to leverage his option to point to the right server if his extension is loaded? Or alternatively add an option for this extension?
    An excellent request! I just pushed an v1.0.4, which directs Patrol Duty to use Timer's configured url if it is loaded. If Timer is not loaded, it will still use the hardcoded one.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Saagael View Post
    An excellent request! I just pushed an v1.0.4, which directs Patrol Duty to use Timer's configured url if it is loaded. If Timer is not loaded, it will still use the hardcoded one.
    Perfect, many thanks. Will try out this evening.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Arnagus View Post
    Perfect, many thanks. Will try out this evening.
    You introduced a spelling error
    The function name misses the last letter: getTimerUr instead of getTimerUrl

    [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "PatrolDuty:scripts/manager_path_time.lua"]:69: attempt to call a field 'getTimerUr' a nil value
    However - even after fixing it, whatever starts second does not work: either the token does not move on seconds (if the timer started first), or the timer does not tick but the token is moving (if the token was started first).

    Not sure what is causing the interference.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Arnagus View Post
    You introduced a spelling error
    However - even after fixing it, whatever starts second does not work: either the token does not move on seconds (if the timer started first), or the timer does not tick but the token is moving (if the token was started first).

    Not sure what is causing the interference.
    I'm not exactly sure what you mean here; things look like they're behaving on my end. Tokens are moving based on the timer, and I can disable the timer or disable token pathing and it stops/starts as expected. Were you seeing this behavior before the update?

    If the token is moving then the timer must be running, there's not really any other way it could be moving.

    What order are you adding and enabling things on the map that causes the incorrect behavior?

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Saagael View Post
    I'm not exactly sure what you mean here; things look like they're behaving on my end. Tokens are moving based on the timer, and I can disable the timer or disable token pathing and it stops/starts as expected. Were you seeing this behavior before the update?

    If the token is moving then the timer must be running, there's not really any other way it could be moving.

    What order are you adding and enabling things on the map that causes the incorrect behavior?
    There are two timers: the small clock on the map starting the token movement (on seconds), and the time from Timer with its own window (button on sidebar).

    You can start both independently, but only the first one started works.

    Will try again with a fresh campaign.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Arnagus View Post
    There are two timers: the small clock on the map starting the token movement (on seconds), and the time from Timer with its own window (button on sidebar).

    You can start both independently, but only the first one started works.

    Will try again with a fresh campaign.
    Ah, got it. I haven't done anything with the built-in timer that the Timer extension adds except pull the URL from its settings. Patrol Duty will only use its own timer that's started from an image's toolbar.

    I can look at syncing the two, but for now they'll run separately.

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