1. #1

    Adding a Heritage?

    One of my players wants to play a Dhampir from the Tales of the Valiant Lineages and Heritage pdf. I don't have any hopes this will come out anytime soon in FG, so I'd like to add it manually.

    While it might not be "coded" in 100%, I can see how to manually add a lineage, but there is no "right-side button" to ad hoc add a heritage. It looks like it is coded behind the scenes??

    Is there an easy way to do this? I don't care if it isn't 100% automated (half the stuff isn't anyway), I just want to have the information in FG and we can manually make changes.

    Sorry for the noob question, not up to speed on FG coding.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    When you click on the lineage button on the right side, it opens a new window. This is the master index for lineages. Along the top of that window is a heritage button that will open a similar window.
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  3. #3
    Ack! Staring me right in the face. Ugh.


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