Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY
    Bennies. Don't spend them on NPCs that are too tough for the party, and/or give the PCs more bennies.

    Snake Eyes: For too-tough NPCs, make the crit fails painful (lose weapon, fall prone, become Distracted or Vulnerable), make crit fails for PCs advantageous to clever players (drop gun but it continues to fire and hits a mook, drop sword but it sticks in opponent's foot, power still manifests but hits different target or wrong power manifests in a way that helps the PCs).

    Play off a PCs Hindrances. Bloodthristy gives the PC +2 damage this fight against hated enemies, Phobia give an adrenaline rush, Enemy gives +1 to hit.

    These little things are easy to write into a scene, helps the players feel the importance of character creation decisions, and makes scene more memorable.

    Sorry, that was a bit off topic. On topic:
    The formula requires going through Edges and figuring out if there are bonuses and if they apply in this formula.
    Determining which Skills are related to ABs (which varies by setting).
    Determine other combat skills (e.g. Bombardier, Electronics).
    Effects must be checked (some Edges keep effects rather than updating a score).
    Then there are mods, cyberware, special abilities, racial abilities.

    This is possible, but well beyond what the derived stat code can do. So it would have to be an extension.
    A combination of static fields and the derived stat code as kronovan suggests might work, but it will be tricky.
    It would be easier to add a static field the GM fills in.
    If someone wants to tackle it, I'll give advice.
    Add feature suggestions for Savage Worlds to Fantasy Grounds Feature Request.

  2. #12
    Thank you all for your replies, I will be using a static value.

    I was able to do it by modifying the ressource counter extension found on the forge.

    But it only worked when I modified the xml file when opening the ext file with 7z.

    When I did all the decompressing, modifying, saving, compressing and changing to ext file, it never worked.

    This will give me an idea of what to expect with a quick look.

    But I also agree with you all!

    Happy roleplaying!

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY
    Don't modify the existing extension. When you run an update, it may overwrite your version. The updater looks at file name and date. Instead, copy it and give it a new name. And copy a backup somewhere outside of the FGU folders.

    It might not have worked because the compression it used wasn't the correct type.
    Verify that 7z used zip, and check settings for things like high compression, or 7z compression algorithms. It should be the simple, normal compression rate and algorithm.

    BTW, you can add more derived stats by adding more lines like this:
    DerivedStatManager.registerDerivedStat("newname", "newname", "newname", "derivedstat_resource", {charsheet=true, ct_client=true})
    Add feature suggestions for Savage Worlds to Fantasy Grounds Feature Request.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by LordDante123 View Post
    Thank you all for your replies, I will be using a static value.

    I was able to do it by modifying the ressource counter extension found on the forge.

    But it only worked when I modified the xml file when opening the ext file with 7z.

    When I did all the decompressing, modifying, saving, compressing and changing to ext file, it never worked.

    This will give me an idea of what to expect with a quick look.

    But I also agree with you all!

    Happy roleplaying!
    I made the Resource Counter extension to save people the hassle of starting from scratch. The ext file is just a zip like other extensions. The file name is changed before compression so it easy to know what it supposed to do for FG. So, take the Resource Counter and unzip. Change every mention of "Resource". Then when you’re done. Select the folders to be zipped but change the file type to ext before zipping it back up. If you have changed the name correctly. You should have your own version that will not be overwritten.

    Resource Counter does provide the base code for adding derived stats but note that it does not have any calculations in it. It just gives a box with zero points for all characters. It was necessary just to have a general box of resource points in Pathfinder because they kept adding special class resource tokens under different names. Having a generic box of resource points seemed to be a good place to start. You must go to the original thread to see how calculations are added.


    Although I don't think a derived stat box can do the more complex calculations you are trying to do here because two boxes will not interact, and you need a bigger extension. It will however plug into the effects system if that helps. So, say you add a derived stat called "Hidden". An Edge or Monster Ability should be able to add to it using [Hidden +1]. Perhaps that is a function that helps a bit. So with a bit of work you have something simple that adds up points. Beyond that you need a more complicated extention.
    Last edited by Lonewolf; January 11th, 2025 at 19:06.
    Ultimate License holder.
    Over 10 years on Fantasy Grounds !

  5. #15
    Doswelk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Surrey, UK
    Hello, it seems we have a new SWADE GM here

    I think you need to watch this...

    Having run Savage Worlds for the last 20 years I whole heartedly agree with this video!

    That said if you want to do you own thing have fun and get used to writing extensions

    Quote Originally Posted by LordDante123 View Post
    Hello fellow roleplayers!

    I'm going crazy trying to setup a simple derived stat that did register only twice and disappeared without knowing why.

    So I won't be able to implement a threat rating derived stat for players and NPCs.

    But I'm not sure if most of the formula can be done automatically so I would only need to add the missing stats.

    I gues I should calculate it outside of the app and manually input it for each and every sheet.

    Here is the threat rating I use to have a general idea for each and every character :
    {Edge Rating}+{Attack Die}+2*{Attack Bonus}+2*{Parry}+{Average Damage Die}+{Damage Bonus}+{Toughness}-{Extra}

    {Edge Rating} Need to be setup manually.
    {Attack Die} The max die found for the Offensive trait : Fighting, Shooting, or any of the Trait that uses Powers.
    {Attack Bonus} The bonus of the trait previously found.
    {Parry} Just the Parry derived stat.
    {Average Damage Die}The max damage found for the special abilities without the bonus and then made the average.
    {Damage Bonus} The damage bonus of the special ability previously found.
    {Toughness} Just the Toughness derived stat.
    {Extra} Should be 6 by default.

    Thank you all for your suggestions.

    My players just defeated an army, had a dogfight with aliens, machine-gunned the zombies, stormed the tower, became Legendary and died heroically

    Yours are still on combat round 6

    Get Savage
    Ultimate License Holder.
    First GM to post a game for the original FG Con!

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