January 5th, 2025, 00:29 #1
2024 - Unarmed Strike - Grapple/Shove Automation
Is there any automation for unarmed strikes to grapple or shove in 2024 5e?
...Something like dragging a cast/attack/effect to a target and they automatically roll their better of Strength/Dexterity saves?
Grapple. The target must succeed on a Strength or Dexterity saving throw (it chooses which), or it has the Grappled condition. The DC for the saving throw and any escape attempts equals 8 plus your Strength modifier and Proficiency Bonus. This grapple is possible only if the target is no more than one size larger than you and if you have a hand free to grab it.
Shove. The target must succeed on a Strength or Dexterity saving throw (it chooses which), or you either push it 5 feet away or cause it to have the Prone condition. The DC for the saving throw equals 8 plus your Strength modifier and Proficiency Bonus. This shove is possible only if the target is no more than one size larger than you.
January 5th, 2025, 02:23 #2
No, not in core, but maybe someone knows of an extension that does something.
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