Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1

    Unexpected, and easy way to get new players

    I have run a couple dozen one shot, and quite a few multi session campaigns with random players found within a day using Wizards of the coast Spelltable for Magic the Gathering, and that helped me learn the fundamentals of how to use fantasy grounds. These people are usually looking to spend a couple hours playing something most are quite familiar with.

    I was using for the most part, but not limited to the Fallout 2D20 system, and created a lobby named something like "Fallout TTRPG D&D game with a virtual table". Within a couple hours, or minutes I often had 2-3 players who wanted to play. While its intended for Magic the Gathering games it presents a perfect way to introduce new players, and allow them to see Fantasy Grounds for a TTRPG. I see the amount of time it takes to gather a group in forums, and wanted to share my experience that significantly reduced the time it took to GM a random game.

    Let me know if you have any questions on my best practices as my discord now has a decent number of people who are responsive to wanting a game.

  2. #2
    I'm looking to play some fallout, I also have the standard edition
    Last edited by SmtJt; December 25th, 2024 at 21:53.

  3. #3
    This sounds helpful. I set up my FG account a year ago for a POTENTIAL game that never took off. I have to learn a lot about FG before I GM here but I know I should do a few games as a player first. After those, i will consider that recruitment method.

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