Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #181
    It's fantastic to see such detailed work put into combat modifier calculation extensions! This level of automation can truly enhance gameplay efficiency and accuracy.The comprehensive functionality you've outlined, from adding buttons for various modifiers to considering different attack scenarios, showcases a deep understanding of the intricacies of combat mechanics.Your consideration of compatibility and updates to address issues and improve usability demonstrate a commitment to quality and user experience.Providing options for automatic flanking calculation and accommodating user preferences further enriches the flexibility of this extension.Thank you for your dedication to enhancing the gaming experience for the community! 🎲🛠️

  2. #182
    A new dF Die appeared as soon as I loaded this Mod on a Pathfinder 1e campaign, and I searched the forums as well as Discord for a reference to what this is for. Discord has mentions of it as a type of Die, perhaps used in another rule set. If you have any info on what I can tell my players, please let me know.
    Last edited by The Judge; May 29th, 2024 at 16:09.

  3. #183
    Any update on fixes for this extension or has this one been abandoned.

  4. #184
    I've noticed that the point blank shot effect affects all spells when the target is within 30 feet. What I ended up doing to fix it was adding a new effect to point blank shot.

    Point Blank Shot; rng30; IF: CUSTOM(PBS); NIFTAG: rangedtouch; DMGS: -1

    I then put a tag on any spell the character is using that is ranged touch. This means when the character is within 30 feet, the PBS effect is on the character and there is no tag in the spell it adds a -1. Having the PBS have this in it would be better though.

  5. #185
    Cool fix question would that tag effect firearms since base pathfinder firearms are ranged touch attacks.

  6. #186
    Quote Originally Posted by Arimil508 View Post
    Cool fix question would that tag effect firearms since base pathfinder firearms are ranged touch attacks.
    Firearms are a weapon, and so shouldn't be impacted by DMGS which affects spells.

  7. #187

    PBS effect seems to hang up

    Before and after the most resent update, I have had a problem during a session where after working fine for hours, the attack calculation for a shot under 30 ft begins to hangs up. The proper effect appears to be added to the character (i.e either "['PBS; rng30; ATK: 1 ranged; DMG: 1 ranged; DMGS: 1']" or "rng30") based on if the character has the point blank skill. However the attack roll does not happen. The character is stuck until they are out of 30 range then they can resume ranged attacks. Removing the effect using the tracker had no effect but adding the correct effect string manually did allow a second attack roll to be successful.

    No obvious errors in the session log. Not sure where else to look at for more information as the issue is not easy to reproduce and I run a lot of extensions.

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