Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    4e extension? Seeking time/money/ feasibility quote.

    I'm looking to run Radiance Role Playing Game on Fantasy Grounds, and it's close enough to the 4e ruleset that I think starting there makes more sense than building it from scratch. I don't know how to write an extension so I would be looking to pay someone to do it. It's a game published in 2009 and never had a marketing budget, so this is for my own use; you could put it on the forge but I doubt you'd sell many. I've started an outline of what the extension needs to do and I'm curious whether these changes are possible and a guess at the cost. The ruleset itself is a free PDF download here

    These are things a D&D4e extension should do to enable Radiance games.
    Rename Paragon Path to 'Theme'
    Rename Epic Destiny to 'Kit'
    Rename AC to 'Armor (DR)'
    Delete "Check" boxes for the six stats - not used
    Name the level box you type in 'Level' and the bonus box to its right 'Half Level'.
    Hit Points: name first box "Wounds". Delete Bloodied box. Rename Temp box 'Vitality max'; it's a derived stat whose formula is (lvl*5+CON). Rename Wounds box to 'Vitality lost'
    Armor box should pull from the Combat page, where the formula is different from current, and should be able to be referenced in effects as 'dr' (which stands for damage reduction)
    The typable Level box (actual level) needs to be able to be referenced in effects as 'lvl', with operators including H for half, - (minus) etc. as with other characteristics...BUT HLVL must round up, not down, in every case where it's used.
    Level box (the formula) should be Level/2 rounded up, not down, and that box renamed '1/2 Lvl'
    Initiative box should pull from the combat page as it does, but the formula is different.
    Delete Melee and Ranged boxes. Could have a single ATK box pulling from the combat page but not essential.

    Delete Healing Surge row, Saving Throw and Failed Death Saves; these aren't used. In that space, add these 5 or 6 boxes, whose formulas can either be here or on the Combat page.
    *Prime Stat Bonus - a typable box. Player will fill in the prime stat for their class. (A fancier version might read the class description to determine that stat and fill this in for you, but not important - I'm just wanting to play in this, not build characters in it at this point).
    *Attack Bonus: derived, formula is (prime stat bonus + 1/2 level). If it's easier to keep separate melee and ranged numbers, this could be two boxes but they will be the same number; all of a character's attacks use their prime characteristic in this game.
    *Melee damage bonus: equals STR bonus. Two handed weapons should apply 1.5X this, I don't know if they do already in this ruleset. If not, we need a 2-H box with x1.5, rounded up.
    *Ranged damage bonus: equals DEX bonus
    *Powers damage bonus: equals Prime Stat bonus
    note: in effects,"DMG: n powers" should work the same way that "DMG: n melee (or ranged)" does.

    Armor Class: rename to Armor (DR). It is the sum of three typable boxes, Armor, Shield, Misc.
    Fortitude: formula here should be Base (10 plus half level, no change needed except that it should round up) plus the higher of STR or CON bonus, plus the Misc box.
    Reflex: as above but higher of DEX or INT bonus
    Will: as above but higher of WIS or CHA bonus
    Initiative: should be just DEX, and misc, not adding level bonus
    Saves: delete, not used
    Weapons: the vs. choice only includes fort, ref or wil, not AC. Replace the +Crt box with 'Type', a typable box (for things like slashing or fire). Perhaps a small checkbox for 'Magic?' but not essential.


    Add these skills with their default characteristic set as follows:
    Appraise Int
    Craft Int
    Disguise Cha
    Handle Animal Wis
    Literacy Int
    Mechanics Dex
    Nobility Cha
    Perform Cha
    Pilot Dex
    Survival Wis
    Technics Int
    Trick Dex
    Warcraft Int

    Delete: thievery

    Change default characteristics:
    Intimidate to Str
    Nature to Int

    Delete the "Lvl" column; skills don't get a level bonus.
    Delete the Trnd" column; not used.

    Feats aren't a thing, so let's combine Feats and Abilities into a single full width column called Abilities. We'll use this for things that don't show up on the combat tracker, like special influence with merchants or an elf's trance.


    Typable lines for Name, Portfolio, Alignment, and numerical typable box for Faith Points
    Then typable notes sections for Tenets, Basic Boons, Intermediate Boons, Advanced Boons, Paragon Boons. As with any notes page players can add lines indefinitely.

    The current heavy armor checkbox and armor penalty don't seem to actually do anything to skill rolls. We don't need the checkbox, and the penalty in this game will always be -2 for medium armor or -5 for heavy armor. And it should apply to all DEX based skill checks.
    Rename 'Wt' to 'Slots'
    Total encumbrance equals the sum of slots column. Normal window should equal STR score (3-18 score, not bonus) plus a (new) Misc box. Heavy is 2x normal, Drag is 5x normal.

    CHARACTER SHEET: NOTES: no changes

    Delete main weapon, main implement and AP used.
    Most powers in Radiance have a Vitality (V) cost, and although there are a few x/day powers that need a checkoff for "used", which we can set in Preparation mode, we don't need "recharge" or "keywords". Instead we need 'Vitality Cost', which should be a small column to the left of the powers list.

    It would be really awesome if one could use a power by clicking on the V cost and have that vitality deducted from their Vitality hit points, but I don't know how feasible that is.

    We don't need a Sort function, and we need to be able to create and name power types so each player can organize them as desired.

    In the Preparation mode we don't need item daily, channel divinity, or healing infusion limits.

    I don't think we need combat mode at all, it will be identical to Standard mode.

    COMBAT MECHANIC: to hit rolls are unchanged, targeting either fort, ref or will. Damage rolls should subtract the target's dr from the damage before applying it; remaining damage is subtracted from Vitality, and when vitality is 0 any further damage is subtracted from Wounds. Apply unconscious and prone when Wounds is 0 or below; wounds (but not vitality) can have a negative value. A natural 20 (critical hit) maximizes damage dice and ignores dr. Some things do "wound" type damage; this is subtracted directly from wounds, bypassing both dr and vitality.
    A creature whose Wounds are negative (below 0) loses one more wound at the start of its turn until its negative value exceeds its Constitution score (not con bonus), when it dies.

    There are a few other things but this is the bulk of the changes.

  2. #2

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