1. #1141
    Just adding a note that the DevTeam have let me know they have fixed some of the token sorting issues. Which I hope will fix some of the issues.

    On the quick look I also noticed that the player spell token 'actions' page was no longer showing spell tokens to drag, so I'll need to take a look at this.

    I've also reported to carl some other issues I noticed while doing my non-extension checks to see if tokens 'should' be working, but I dont think these are the cause of the missing player action spell token.

    Forge Profile
    DMsGuild Profile

    Forge Modules: B9's Steel Defender.
    Forge Extensions: B9's Spell Tokens, B9's Encumbrance Tweak, B9's Damage Per Round, B9's Surprise Round.
    DMsGuild Extensions: Advanced Weapon Damage, Advanced Spell Damage, Aspect Of The Bear, Spell Long Rest For NPC, Spell Domain.

  2. #1142
    Quote Originally Posted by bratch9 View Post
    Not by me, this is more issues for the dev team to sort out..

    Lack of QA testing before a release, or more tests needed. I've had to report these same sort of issues multiple times, its why our group now use foundryVTT instead.

    This comment rings out so loud in My head. After what, four years? of using Fantasy Grounds My players have started asking if we should just look at moving to a different software because every time FGU updates we spend weeks on end of crappy performance while everyone has to figure out what they broke with the 3D features so many of us aren't interested in using. As a person that worked in the video game sales world for decades this has a strong feeling of when a software company doubles and triples down on a project that ends up killing their business.

    TO THE POINT, we are unable to place our awesome B9 Spell tokens on the map, they just won't. *sigh* another thing that broke with this most recent version release.
    Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Give aid to those in need when you are able. Never follow thoughts of gain into the pursuit of evil, and never hesitate to kill the villain while you have the chance.

  3. #1143
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackwolfe View Post
    This comment rings out so loud in My head. After what, four years? of using Fantasy Grounds My players have started asking if we should just look at moving to a different software because every time FGU updates we spend weeks on end of crappy performance while everyone has to figure out what they broke with the 3D features so many of us aren't interested in using. As a person that worked in the video game sales world for decades this has a strong feeling of when a software company doubles and triples down on a project that ends up killing their business.

    TO THE POINT, we are unable to place our awesome B9 Spell tokens on the map, they just won't. *sigh* another thing that broke with this most recent version release.
    Sadly, more and more people have been saying this to me. I'm in the same boat.

  4. #1144
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackwolfe View Post
    This comment rings out so loud in My head. After what, four years? of using Fantasy Grounds My players have started asking if we should just look at moving to a different software because every time FGU updates we spend weeks on end of crappy performance while everyone has to figure out what they broke with the 3D features so many of us aren't interested in using. As a person that worked in the video game sales world for decades this has a strong feeling of when a software company doubles and triples down on a project that ends up killing their business.

    TO THE POINT, we are unable to place our awesome B9 Spell tokens on the map, they just won't. *sigh* another thing that broke with this most recent version release.
    This is why our group moved to foundry VTT, it has its differences ( and issues ).

    While FGU seems to break a lot on updates. This last exe update a week ago or so has had hot fix releases nearly every day and I've only been reporting issues on the image window side of thing. I assume other issues have also existed.

    I think the big difference for our group is that you can grab a specific version of foundry vtt and mods/plugins and configure that for your campaign. Once you are happy with the feature set and it does for your game you can just let the version sit on your own server.

    So many times, because I play multiple campaigns, if one updates on FGU then every campaign ends up having to update and cause issues for no real reason due to the new features which your game was not even using.

    While its nice as a developer to add new graphics things, like the 3D ( well sort of 3D ) view, sometimes you just need to do the background simple tasks of completing the current systems. I've seen it a lot as a games developer in different teams.

    While I can not be sure, my guess would be that no continual integration testing is been done per version. It feels a lot like each person just adds/fixes the feature/bug and sees that bit is working and submits it. Its hard to see/re-test every situation that might have a knock on effect from your change and this can cause a lot of minor bugs getting introduced or re-introduced. While a good continual integrations is more about having tests to make sure these things just do not happen again, but takes a lot of time and resources to have systems auto compile new code and run hundreds/thousands of tests and check results.

    When I get some time I'll have a look at the extension with the new exe and see what has been broken again.

    Forge Profile
    DMsGuild Profile

    Forge Modules: B9's Steel Defender.
    Forge Extensions: B9's Spell Tokens, B9's Encumbrance Tweak, B9's Damage Per Round, B9's Surprise Round.
    DMsGuild Extensions: Advanced Weapon Damage, Advanced Spell Damage, Aspect Of The Bear, Spell Long Rest For NPC, Spell Domain.

  5. #1145
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackwolfe View Post
    This comment rings out so loud in My head. After what, four years? of using Fantasy Grounds My players have started asking if we should just look at moving to a different software because every time FGU updates we spend weeks on end of crappy performance while everyone has to figure out what they broke with the 3D features so many of us aren't interested in using. As a person that worked in the video game sales world for decades this has a strong feeling of when a software company doubles and triples down on a project that ends up killing their business.

    TO THE POINT, we are unable to place our awesome B9 Spell tokens on the map, they just won't. *sigh* another thing that broke with this most recent version release.
    Which ruleset is the issue, just been checking with my slight fixed version of spell tokens on the FGU build from last night, and all seems working in 5E ruleset. Due to FGU update your issue might be fixed with the released version of spell tokens.

    I've got to check each ruleset before I can release the slight update, so any information on your issue so I can make sure its also fixed would be nice.

    Thanks, Pete
    Forge Profile
    DMsGuild Profile

    Forge Modules: B9's Steel Defender.
    Forge Extensions: B9's Spell Tokens, B9's Encumbrance Tweak, B9's Damage Per Round, B9's Surprise Round.
    DMsGuild Extensions: Advanced Weapon Damage, Advanced Spell Damage, Aspect Of The Bear, Spell Long Rest For NPC, Spell Domain.

  6. #1146
    It was tested without players, but for me, the current 5e FG build, and your B9 Core and Spell Tokens are all playing together nicely.

  7. #1147
    I'm using 5E, I will check later today and comment back
    Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Give aid to those in need when you are able. Never follow thoughts of gain into the pursuit of evil, and never hesitate to kill the villain while you have the chance.

  8. #1148
    Smiteworks has stopped pushing hotfixes everyday.
    I'm running a 5e game, and I cannot drop spells tokens on the map.
    I have B9 core and spell tokens from Forge loaded and updated.
    I also have B9 spell tokens on DM's Guild.. (not currently loaded)
    Any advice? Is there a prefered version? Any known reasons why I can't drop a spell token from character sheet to map?
    (this issue began with the newest FGU version)
    Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Give aid to those in need when you are able. Never follow thoughts of gain into the pursuit of evil, and never hesitate to kill the villain while you have the chance.

  9. #1149
    It's working for me. B9 spell token v7.28. I'm able to drop a fireball, and right-click to choose targeting.

  10. #1150
    from Forge? Thank you. At least I know it's something on My end now and I'm not waiting on an update. :/
    Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Give aid to those in need when you are able. Never follow thoughts of gain into the pursuit of evil, and never hesitate to kill the villain while you have the chance.

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