5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by pindercarl View Post
    The first image attached in the post if of the Launcher screen. Is the user seeing this when the first launch Fantasy Grounds, or is this after running FGU and exiting to the Launcher? Thanks.
    That pictures is from first running fantasy grounds, not after exiting a campaign. I'd be surprised if he knows how to exit a campaign without fully exiting Fantasy Grounds.

  2. #12
    Hmm, strange. The launch screen is a completely different scene that only had a simple one button font change on it. None of the more advanced behaviors used in the session are used in the launch screen. (i.e. all standard Unity UI) So, since it was almost completely untouched, it's very odd that the launch screen would be affected by anything specific to v4.6.0.

    There's a Force App Update in the Settings under the Support tab that could force the all the app files to update if it didn't for some reason. And they could try the Settings->Advanced tab to try the Prev build channel to toggle back and forth between Live/Prev to see if it's related to new version only on their machine.

    It's just an odd issue, so not quite sure how to figure out what might be causing it.


  3. #13
    This week, his problems were gone. He said he just ran a regular update. He said this time it actually took the time to download an new update. He said he did NOT do the force app update as I recommended. He told me last time it quickly went through the update bar and didn't seem like it was doing anything. Not sure if that means anything to you but I thought I'd let you know. Thanks for your help.

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