5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by Atreides Ghola View Post
    Hey again,

    So, this extension doesn't appear to be working in any ruleset.

    Previously (as early as last week), it was working for me in D&D 5e, Pathfinder 2e, and Dune. Currently, even in clean campaigns with no other extensions enabled, it doesn't show NPC portraits, only PC portraits.
    @sirnoobsauce It seems this is not working in the new version of FGU
    Last edited by Mazzar; March 18th, 2024 at 04:28.

  2. #72
    Same here in Savage Worlds. Love this extension, hope it gets an update.

  3. #73

  4. #74
    It's not working in Starfinder.
    FGU Ultimate License
    FG Discord - Lord_Ulric
    Time Zone: US Eastern (GMT -5)
    Playing -
    Starfinder, D&D, Savage Worlds, Call of Cthulhu, Hero System aka Champions, Traveller, and more!
    My Forge Creations

  5. #75
    My opinion is that this creator has abandoned his extensions. They haven't been updated since last year and he hasn't posted anywhere, either. I threw this in as suggestion for SW to implement as part of the core software.

  6. #76

  7. #77
    Stick a fork in it. I can only hope Smiteworks makes it part of core because it is a great idea and should be a natural part of the system.

  8. #78
    After the last update, the addon stopped working correctly. If you suddenly have time, please restore it

  9. #79
    Maybe someone takes over?

  10. #80
    Is it possible that someone takes over development? I'm surprised this isn't in FG itself

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