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  1. #11

  2. #12

    visual examples

    Here is a screenshot to show how the new army selector works ...

    Screenshot 2024-05-06 174510.png

    And this one shows the differences in ARMY popup layout ... for WAR events.

    Screenshot 2024-05-06 174516.png

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Miloh View Post
    Hi Sgtwhy,

    Wanted to add some things to the wish list.

    When I create armies in the army tab, all my players can see them. That means if I create all the armies around their kingdom, well, its TMI.Is it possible to add a "hidden" check box on the army list so that a DM can hide other armies from players?

    Second thing, is I accidentally deleated an army from the Battle tab, and it deleated the army completely. Maybe have it so armies can only be deleted from the Army tab.

    Third thing is, it would be nice to have a check box in army tab to say if I want to add the army to the battle tab or not. Currently I do this by setting unwanted army factions to "none" but the reality is my players have about 6 armies, and typically only 1 or 2 of them will be in any given battle. That means I have to set all their factions to "none" except for the ones that will be in the battle.

    Food for thought.

    Hey Milo - great suggestions. As of the 0.5.5 update 2/3 of these are resolved ... working on the third.

    1. Hiding ... hmm. I had not considered that. In theory, I could make the entire thing "GM only" but then players cant see their armies.
    >> I have a lot of client side work to do. will see if perhaps I can limit their "view" to ONLY those with the FRIENDLY faction.

    2. Delete protection! definitely. I already working on updating the WAR Actions sheets to be basically "read only".
    >> Since there should be no changing gear or other army features during War events. (those should only happen during Army actions.)

    3. great idea and its done, in current (0.5.5) release updates.
    >> There is now a popup listing "all armies" and GM gets to select which ones are in the pending combat. (i.e. which appear in the War events sheet)

  4. #14

    5.15 update

    Lots of changes wrapped into this release.

    1. client vs GM "army list"
    Now the players have a different view into the "armies" sheet.
    It only shows armies with "friend" faction, no longer (all) armies.
    This way, the GM can create armies without players awareness.

    2. Delete protection
    Only the GM can delete armies. And now, only from the ARMY Events page.
    Its no longer possible to delete armies from the WAR events page.

    3. Army selector
    The WAR tracker page is now empty, until the GM selects units to enter combat.
    note: players will be able to view details on all units in the WAR tracker sheet.

    4. Player console error logs cleaned up
    Addressed about 2 dozen console errors caused by clients lacking permissions.
    They have all been updated (where relevant) to only happen for the GM.

    over-all progress ... is very near "feature complete".

    So, speak up now ... if there are more feature requests!
    (and especially, if you find bugs that need to be fixed)

  5. #15

    minor updates 2024.11.16

    This includes the fixes to tabs and such, for the "dark mode" changes now part of Core RPG.
    While it wont hurt anything, the theme is no longer needed / relevant.

    However, I am leaving it available (free) for those inspired to create there own theme over-rides for both of my extensions.

    Change Summary

    * New records “Popup”: this brings new records into focus, making it easier to update. (armies, actions, gear, tactics, conditions)
    ... when a window loads or a new record is added, it will popup into focus if the "name" field remains empty.
    * Conditions: the automation will attempt to calculate the effects caused by any associated army conditions.

    Bug Fixes
    * Dark mode fixes now included (plus a few I missed when creating the theme such as those shared with the Nation Builder extension)
    * stand alone usage: I've also added "checks" to suppress the errors that can occur for using this without the NB extension.

  6. #16
    50% off both products, for the next 7 days.

    from: 2024-12-02 11:00:00 EST
    ... to: 2024-12-09 11:00:00 EST

    If you cant be King, be a King Maker!

    Includes all the major QoL updates released over the last two years.
    All aspects of turn management are tracked and automated in some manner.

    It supports all Pathfinder 1e, 2e as well 5e DnD --- or any other ruleset based on Core RPG.
    And a half dozen popular optional "rule fixes" to address common issues with the game mechanics.

    The nation army rules are independent of any ruleset used for your campaign.
    It lets the players manage and battle their nations armies, at a pace akin to PC combat.

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