1. #1

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    Help with 2.5 Front View

    Good Day All
    I love the idea of the 2.5 walls and items but I am struggling. After watching the video Zacchaeus linked in another thread for me I tried to follow the way Josh set a couple walls. My Top view looks normal but when I go to Front view the walls are nowhere near how they were showing in Top view. The are pointing in different directions and not where I placed them on the map. I am going to try to link a couple pictures to show what I mean.

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  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    I haven't done it yet, but Josh's video showed there is a setting to fix the orientation so it does not always face the viewer. Sorry I don't have exact details for that. But if I remember correctly, it was where Josh was showing the barrel and fixing it's orientation as well as how he did that and set 6 instances for the grass.

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  3. #3

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    Good Day LordEntrails
    I did have that set to the fixed orientation, the problem is with them not being in the correct location. You can see I made a simple 2 x 90° corners but the Front view 180° off and the straight walls along the bottom are supposed to be in line with the walls coming down.
    I, obviously, did not use any assets from the new purchasable pack. I hope that is not the problem and we can use other assets we create/download.

    Afterthought: I am not positive of the orientation of the Front Facing as when I switched into it it placed me at ground level and I had to move around to get the angle to see it clearly.

  4. #4
    Vass_Dts's Avatar
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    See my screenshot:
    2,5 edit.jpg

    GREEN: Select the layer you want to edit.
    BLUE: Make sure you are in edit mode.
    RED: Use the rotators in the quick transform section.

    Generally, in my experience. it is better to be in camera mode when placing placeable.
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  5. #5

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    Good Day Vass_Dts
    With walls I am still not seeing this work. I tried following your explanation but when I adjust the Front walls to where they look good, when I go back to the Top view the walls are reversed from where they started. So the Top view and Front view never align.
    I am trying this with just standard images, could it be that the ones I am using are the wrong type of image for a wall, do they need to be something special?

    Thanks for all the help.

  6. #6
    Vass_Dts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonkon View Post
    Good Day Vass_Dts
    With walls I am still not seeing this work. I tried following your explanation but when I adjust the Front walls to where they look good, when I go back to the Top view the walls are reversed from where they started. So the Top view and Front view never align.
    I am trying this with just standard images, could it be that the ones I am using are the wrong type of image for a wall, do they need to be something special?

    Thanks for all the help.
    Okay, yeah, once they're paired, they cannot individually edited in that way (there is a large Black Lock that untangles them for editing, but only in terms of size scaling, not orientation).

    Type of image does not matter. But the top-down view of the wall must be on the center of image space if that makes any sense. You can insert that first in the layer box, make sure it has an horizontal orientation, and then place the 2.5 view. Basically, you have to have them properly aligned in orientation from the get go.
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  7. #7

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    Good Day Vass_Dts
    Thank You!
    That was the fix! I didn't think about the orientation of the Top view, it was not moving left to right, it was top to bottom so no matter what I did it was wrong.

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