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  1. #1211
    Quote Originally Posted by DevInstinct View Post
    Wouldn't be LOS in this case, but more if a token mask sensitivity is enabled (getVisibility == nil), then the aura would (optionally) include them.
    Right, what you want is LOS detection and you can't

    You can put a tag on them (I think you might need GA ext) that is called; "NOTARGETING", which would make them non targeted by anything until that is removed. Doesn't fully sound like what you are trying to do but figured I would throw that out there.

    But correct, there is no way to check to see if a target is "seen" or not, you can check to see what sensitivity something is in, but you can't see what state of LOS it's in, plus it would be costly (CPU) in checking that. Which is also why I think SW doesn't want us in that area for LOS.

  2. #1212
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Right, what you want is LOS detection and you can't

    You can put a tag on them (I think you might need GA ext) that is called; "NOTARGETING", which would make them non targeted by anything until that is removed. Doesn't fully sound like what you are trying to do but figured I would throw that out there.

    But correct, there is no way to check to see if a target is "seen" or not, you can check to see what sensitivity something is in, but you can't see what state of LOS it's in, plus it would be costly (CPU) in checking that. Which is also why I think SW doesn't want us in that area for LOS.
    It wouldn't have been based on LOS. Just on the state of a given token visibility (getVisibility == nil) for mask sensitivity (which isn't dependent on LOS). So in other words if a given token is set for mask sensitivity it would be in the aura. Doesn't matter if it is in LOS or not, I would just have wanted the aura to kick in based on the mask sensitivity == nil. Would have required a flag in the Aura effect to indicate that we actually want that behavior.

  3. #1213
    Quote Originally Posted by DevInstinct View Post
    It wouldn't have been based on LOS. Just on the state of a given token visibility (getVisibility == nil) for mask sensitivity (which isn't dependent on LOS). So in other words if a given token is set for mask sensitivity it would be in the aura. Doesn't matter if it is in LOS or not, I would just have wanted the aura to kick in based on the mask sensitivity == nil. Would have required a flag in the Aura effect to indicate that we actually want that behavior.
    You're right this could be done, however, its not in the AURA coding.

  4. #1214
    The latest update seems to have affected performance with Aura Effects. With the extension loaded, the paladin token movement is jerky, sometimes created Mac beachballs. Everything returns to normal when the extension is turned off.

  5. #1215
    I want to code an effect using BCEG, Chat Effects and Aura extension in a wild magic randome table.
    The effect it's a fireball explosion that affects the players and all the creatures within 20 feets. The DC is the same as the wild magic user:

    I tried coding:
    [EFFECT] Aura: 20 all; Fireball Explosion; SAVEA: (SDC) DEX (H)(M); SAVEDMG:5d6 fire;

    But when I apply the effect to the PC (center of the explosion), the save is only made by the PC. I don't know why the "SAVEA..." it's not in the creatures effect tracker...

    How could I code it correctly?
    Last edited by JuliTutu; November 24th, 2024 at 03:15.

  6. #1216
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliTutu View Post
    I want to code an effect using BCEG, Chat Effects and Aura extension in a wild magic randome table.
    The effect it's a fireball explosion that affects the players and all the creatures within 20 feets. The DC is the same as the wild magic user:

    I tried coding:
    [EFFECT] Aura: 20 all; Fireball Explosion; SAVEA: (SDC) DEX (H)(M); SAVEDMG:5d6 fire;

    But when I apply the effect to the PC (center of the explosion), the save is only made by the PC. I don't know why the "SAVEA..." it's not in the creatures effect tracker...

    How could I code it correctly?
    I changed Aura to all caps, changed SAVEA to SAVES, changed the brackets around SDC and then added a space before 5d6 and the effect seemed to work for me.

    [EFFECT] AURA: 20 all; Fireball Explosion; SAVES: [SDC] DEX (H)(M); SAVEDMG:5d6 fire;

  7. #1217
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliTutu View Post
    I want to code an effect using BCEG, Chat Effects and Aura extension in a wild magic randome table.
    The effect it's a fireball explosion that affects the players and all the creatures within 20 feets. The DC is the same as the wild magic user:

    I tried coding:
    [EFFECT] Aura: 20 all; Fireball Explosion; SAVEA: (SDC) DEX (H)(M); SAVEDMG:5d6 fire;

    But when I apply the effect to the PC (center of the explosion), the save is only made by the PC. I don't know why the "SAVEA..." it's not in the creatures effect tracker...

    How could I code it correctly?
    If you are going to use any of the bce/g tags that are on add.If you wish them to apply the applied effect you'll need to guard that with an IF: FACTION(notself)

  8. #1218
    Quote Originally Posted by rhagelstrom View Post
    If you are going to use any of the bce/g tags that are on add.If you wish them to apply the applied effect you'll need to guard that with an IF: FACTION(notself)
    I think in this case they are not trying to exclude the target of the fireball/explosion.

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