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Thread: OSRIC Ruleset

  1. #121
    No Monk in OSRIC or the OSRIC Unearthed supplement.

    Haven't seen one in the community either (not that I've actively looked), you'll probably need to create it wholesale.

  2. #122
    Funnily enough, I was just looking at the Monk issue myself. I was going to create my own from scratch but how do I set it up to use the cleric attack matrix and thief saving throw matrix? I guess I can enter the saving throws manually for each level in the class definition but it doesn't seem to be possible to modify the attack matrix.

  3. #123
    Sorry beyond my knowledge base. I can amend a lot of stuff but I'm really not sure how to generate or change the inner workings of classes.

    I'm not certain what would happen if you used the 2e monk - does the matrix get auto added by AD&D House Rules? How much else would be wrong?

  4. #124
    There was no monk class in 2e. However, what I am trying is to take a copy of the cleric class, since monks use the cleric attack matrix, and completely change everything else about it to create the monk class.

  5. #125
    Really? I just assumed . . . I mean a thousand splat books, no monk at all?

    Sounds like the only way

  6. #126
    Quote Originally Posted by PaulChatterton View Post
    Funnily enough, I was just looking at the Monk issue myself. I was going to create my own from scratch but how do I set it up to use the cleric attack matrix and thief saving throw matrix? I guess I can enter the saving throws manually for each level in the class definition but it doesn't seem to be possible to modify the attack matrix.
    Are you using the OSRIC ruleset to do this? I responded to your post in the extension's thread. Just not clear what you're loading. Since this post is in the OSRIC ruleset thread and the other post seems specific to 2E, I just want to make sure I'm working off of the correct assumptions.
    Assuming your character class name will be "Monk", I can add attack matrix values and saving throw values in the correct place(s). I can do the same for Barbarian and Bard if there is interest in such a thing.
    Twitter: @Doomswords
    Discord: Doomsword#0669

  7. #127
    Although a bit labor intensive....

    I manually created the Monk class and at each level pregression tab I manually entered the info such as THAC0, open hand attack damage progression, AC, etc

  8. #128
    I couldn't do it completely from scratch because I was aiming for true 1e which uses attack matrices rather than THACO, and the attack matrices aren't editable. I got around that by starting with a copy of Cleric, which is the attack matrix the monk uses, and manually modifying just about everything about it other than the attack matrix.

  9. #129
    I'm working on a big update to the extension to fix most everything that was discussed in that thread, as well as some other stuff. Once that's released, I'll backport the relevant OSRIC base changes into the ruleset for people who use it without the extension. Coming soon.
    Twitter: @Doomswords
    Discord: Doomsword#0669

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