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  1. #21
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhilAdams View Post
    Would it be possible to get more information on the dice expression for success-based rolls. Right now, there's a string showing the ranges for successes (s) and failures (f). Is there a way to break assumed ranges, or as an alternative could you provide a code to specify neither success nor fail so that specific numbers generate nulls for the outcome.

    Specifically, I'm looking to generate on a six-sided die a success on 2s or 4s and two successes on 6s.

    If there were code to cap/end ranges, this would address the biggest problem. For example, using a "," to indicate individual numbers rather than a range, the coding could like this: 8d6s6#2s2,s4, [roll 8d6, 6s generate 2 successes, a 2 generates 1 success, and a 4 generates 1 success]. That would be the optimal solution.

    An alternative would allow a code to indicate neither a success or a failure from the roll [example: s=success, f=fail, n=null]. This still runs into the problem of implied ranges [4d6s2 means 2-6 on any die generates a success, and there's no way to break out individual numbers for other results]. If you code for this null value (n), then maybe you could allow for an appended exception list at the end of the string. Example: 8d6s6#2s2n1n3n5 would generate two successes on 6s, 1 success on 2s and 4s, and no successes or failures on 1,3, and 5.
    The information that is posted is the available rolls. You can code your own success and fail mechanisms separately via Lua.

  2. #22
    what would the code be for like Greater Weapon fighting in 5e2024?

  3. #23
    If you have the Great Weapon Fighting fighting style feat on the character sheet, then the adjustments should automatically be made.


  4. #24
    I thought so too, but it doesn't change 1's and 2's to a 3 like it should :/

  5. #25
    Looked into it; and it was correctly working for Versatile weapons, but not Two-Handed weapons. I've pushed a hot fix to address that issue. Please run a new Check for Updates.


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