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Would it be possible to get more information on the dice expression for success-based rolls. Right now, there's a string showing the ranges for successes (s) and failures (f). Is there a way to break assumed ranges, or as an alternative could you provide a code to specify neither success nor fail so that specific numbers generate nulls for the outcome.
Specifically, I'm looking to generate on a six-sided die a success on 2s or 4s and two successes on 6s.
If there were code to cap/end ranges, this would address the biggest problem. For example, using a "," to indicate individual numbers rather than a range, the coding could like this: 8d6s6#2s2,s4, [roll 8d6, 6s generate 2 successes, a 2 generates 1 success, and a 4 generates 1 success]. That would be the optimal solution.
An alternative would allow a code to indicate neither a success or a failure from the roll [example: s=success, f=fail, n=null]. This still runs into the problem of implied ranges [4d6s2 means 2-6 on any die generates a success, and there's no way to break out individual numbers for other results]. If you code for this null value (n), then maybe you could allow for an appended exception list at the end of the string. Example: 8d6s6#2s2n1n3n5 would generate two successes on 6s, 1 success on 2s and 4s, and no successes or failures on 1,3, and 5.