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  1. #21

  2. #22
    Damn, I missed that.
    BTW, damned, awesome ruleset, thanks a lot. Not sure if anybody's already on it (if so, give me a heads up), but I've started making a module out of the Core rulebook. Don't know when I'll be finished, don't know if and how I'm gonna get it published once I'm done (it is a Chaosium IP, after all), but it's a fun project.

  3. #23

  4. #24
    Well, I'm already at page 22, with about three hours of work. The conversion to reference book seems pretty easy. It'll probably get slower once I start to populate the tabs for Advantages, Backgrounds etc. I'll pm you a copy when I'm finished and then I'll see about publishing.Forge, maybe? We'll see...

  5. #25

  6. #26
    Feeling bad but, at that price, I steal this collection anyway. Thanks Damned.

  7. #27
    Thank you, Damned! As always, I think you've done awesome for everyone in the community.
    I hope we can get the publisher on board with supporting FG/Smiteworks in the near future.
    The beginning of any story is a happy accident; the end, a tragic fate.

  8. #28
    Very nice ruleset btw, thanks a lot, I love the big portrait image and the clean overall look.

  9. #29
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poe the Homunculus View Post
    Thank you, Damned! As always, I think you've done awesome for everyone in the community.
    I hope we can get the publisher on board with supporting FG/Smiteworks in the near future.
    Its a Chaosium product. Im sure we could get permission to do a full ruleset for it but it doesnt look like a good idea on an effort/reward basis. The free ruleset only has 250 downloads - many of those probably clicked it only because it was free.
    Hundreds of hours to convert for a few hundred sales doesnt make good sense.

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