Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #11
    @Farnaby and @claedawg, I can certainly add other rule sets! I will probably add a "YMMV" or "not fully tested" though, because

  2. #12
    Cool, thanks.
    Let us know when it's been added so I can start using it.
    “He says gods like having an atheist around. Gives them something to aim at.”

    Terry Pratchett [RIP] - Small Gods

  3. #13
    This is great! I have a suggestion that might imrpove QoL

    You know how each item has check boxes below for Armor, Weapons, Other etc. And any entry in the bestiary has tick box of NPC or Hazard?

    If there were checkboxes with attitude levels it would be super easy to track.

    Attitudes go from low to highest : Hostile, unfriendly, indifferent, friendly, helpful

    We could track each NPC and faction etc with this. Make an Impression activity directly moves these up and down. And Request activity refers to these as well etc.

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