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  1. #51
    This is only available in v4.6.0; which is only in the Test channel currently.


  2. #52
    Vass_Dts's Avatar
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    Umm... you did something to the macOS app, and it doesn't download correctly. It only downloads the Contents folder, not the app. Which really sucks for me, as I must have accidentally deleted mine, and now I can't download the correct one, and I have a session in like 30 mins.

    EDIT: Fixed on my own.

    ALSO, I keep forgetting to mention this: The app as is, won't run on a Mac, because the actual executable file ('/Contents/MacOS/FG Image Metadata Builder') is not in fact an executable file for Mac. I fix this by running a chmod -R 777 <path to specific file> terminal command. It should be noted that for this to work, the whole path must have no spaces (including the file itself). So, when I do this, I actually rename the 'FG Image Metadata Builder' file to remove the spaces. BUT, I then have to restore its name in order for the app to run.

    It would be appreciated if you guys do this so we don't have to jump through these hoops every time we download this.
    Last edited by Vass_Dts; December 20th, 2024 at 19:28.
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  3. #53
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vass_Dts View Post
    Umm... you did something to the macOS app, and it doesn't download correctly. It only downloads the Contents folder, not the app. Which really sucks for me, as I must have accidentally deleted mine, and now I can't download the correct one, and I have a session in like 30 mins.

    EDIT: Fixed on my own.

    ALSO, I keep forgetting to mention this: The app as is, won't run on a Mac, because the actual executable file ('/Contents/MacOS/FG Image Metadata Builder') is not in fact an executable file for Mac. I fix this by running a chmod -R 777 <path to specific file> terminal command. It should be noted that for this to work, the whole path must have no spaces (including the file itself). So, when I do this, I actually rename the 'FG Image Metadata Builder' file to remove the spaces. BUT, I then have to restore its name in order for the app to run.

    It would be appreciated if you guys do this so we don't have to jump through these hoops every time we download this.
    In most *NIX OSes, the special characters in paths can be escaped using the backslash. For instance, using your path above... '/Contents/MacOS/FG\ Image\ Metadata\ Builder'
    Last edited by wndrngdru; December 22nd, 2024 at 01:13. Reason: corrected escape character
    I'm so bassic

  4. #54
    Vass_Dts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wndrngdru View Post
    In most *NIX OSes, the special characters in paths can be escaped using the backspace. For instance, using your path above... '/Contents/MacOS/FG\ Image\ Metadata\ Builder'
    Ah, good to know. Thanks!
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  5. #55
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Hello Vass_Dts,

    Are you still having issues with this app? I looked at the file that is created for the build and it appears to only have the Contents folder in the most recent version and also in the previous version. It sounds like you may have been able to get it working again after doing the CHMOD.

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