I noticed something peculiar when awarding quest xp to my players. Players Manual page 122 says:

Completing a major quest is equivalent to completing
an encounter, so it really feels like a significant
accomplishment. The XP reward varies based on the
number of characters in the group, just as the XP value
for an encounter does. When a group of characters
completes a 10th-level major quest, each individual in
the group gets 500 XP, regardless of how many characters
are in the group.
At level 10m, the minor quest reward is 500xp. However, when I awarded a level 2 major quest 500xp to 5 players for a major quest, logic would say that each players should have 125xp (similar to minor xp award) and not 100 that was awarded by FGU. Maybe the logic here should be changed? or am I missing something? I can easily adjust before awarding, but in the heat of the post play banter, it might be forgotten. And I have everything from 3 to 7 players and never know how many I will have a given day.