5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    Rappan Athuk D&D Classic

    FG License: Ultimate License, anyone can join
    Game System: D&D Classic formally known as AD&D 2d

    Time Zone: Pacific Time USA
    Day of week and time: Sunday 11am.
    Planned start date: Character generation and discussion 10/27/24. Start the next week.
    Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly every Sunday from 11pm- when group decides to end.
    Term: i.e. Long term.

    Text or Voice: Voice.
    Main Language used: English
    Voice software used: Discord.
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed: No plans to stream or record.

    Roleplay & Combat mix: Player determined but shooting for 50/50.
    Number of Players in game & needed: Have 2 players, looking for 4 more.
    Character starting level & equipment: Starting at level 0 with 1-6 Hp each player will start with 4 characters and picking one to stay with once level 1.
    Character restrictions: Only core races and classes. I have all the rules/complete books for 2e. Only ones not being used are: Complete book of Necromancers, Complete book of Ninjas and most of the Complete book of humanoids.

    Details of your scenario:
    This will take place in Frog God Games The Lost Lands. Players will start out heading to the small community of Zelkor’s Ferry. They have decided to tag along as “guards” for a small caravan headed to Zelkor’s Ferry. They have been promised 50gp each upon arriving. After arriving there they are invited to head back with the caravan to where they started. After making their 1st level characters you can decide if you want to tackle Rappan Athuk, a Mega Dungeon, part of it or adventure elsewhere.

    Starting out: As mentioned above each player will start with 4 0 level characters and will chose one to play once they hit level 1. This should happen after the first days play. At player creation each player will state what class they would like each character to possibly become, or they can simply “go with the flow” and determine it after the first session. Back stories will be limited mostly to what you were doing before you decided to head to Zelkor’s Ferry. After all as a 0 level character what did you do before, work on the farm, study with a mage in hopes to become one, worked at the local church, etc?

    At first level the initial HPs will be added to what is rolled for 1st level character generation. 0 level character equipment will be determined by what you did before the adventure. Farmer, maybe you have a pitch fork or scythe. Studding magic user, possibly a scroll or two taken from your Master.

    PM me if you are interested.
    Last edited by Merell; Today at 05:01.

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