1. #1

    Variable vs Table rather than Roll Vs Table

    I've been working on a Story Template which generates random works of art as AD&D treasure. This consists of several tables with a descriptive element, and a second column for the impact on the value of the item.

    The original idea was that the value modifiers would be added together via a long [#Mod1#+#Mod2#] - which works, however that final sum is meant to be checked against a table to determine the actual value.

    In other words, the sum of [#Mods#] should be treated as the "Dice Roll" on the Value Table. I figured I could probably do this by having it roll Xd1 where X is [#Mods#] however I cannot figure out any way to actually intercept the rolled die or modifier for the table.

    My closest success was converting the code's paragraph type to chat, and making it a /rollon value [#Mods#]d1, however it isn't exactly an elegant solution and I was hoping there might be some better alternative.

    Is there anything I'm overlooking, or have I run into a hard limit on what Fantasy Grounds is capable of?

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Can't say I'm following exactly what you are trying to do. But sounds very likely you have reached the limits of what OOTB FG can do. TJ has a pretty impressive extension that enhances what tables and story templates can do. I haven't had time to play with it yet though. But I have talked extensively with him about it while he's been developing it. Check it out here: Fantasy Grounds Forge
    Read more about it here: New! Story Templates Enhanced and then if you still have questions, you can ask him about it in that thread.

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