5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    Beta Release - FG v4.6.0

    Please post any feedback on the beta Test version in this thread:

    Planned Release Date: October 29, 2024

    As always, we're a small company so we rely on our community to help sound out each new release. Thanks in advance to all those who pitch in.

    Accessing the Beta
    Only the Test mode slot contains this version. Test Mode can be accessed by selecting the Settings button from the Fantasy Grounds launch screen, changing the mode setting in the Settings dialog, and then selecting Update button to update the files to the test version. I will update this thread as I release new iterations of the test version.

    Beta Data
    When using the Test channel in Fantasy Grounds Settings, your data files for the Test version will be stored in a separate subfolder under the main Fantasy Grounds data folder called "channels\Test\". This will not impact any campaigns in the Live mode (until full release occurs).

    Key Things
    1) Always backup your campaign data before running the test version.
    2) If the GM is running on Test channel, then all of the players will also be running on Test channel.
    3) If you encounter an issues log them in the relevant testing thread - don't use the generic House of Healing, but use this forum.
    4) Do not use the Test build for your games if you and your group are not comfortable with testing pre-release software.
    5) Do not use the Test build for developer DLC for store or forge submission (as the data file formats may have changed, or will change more during the beta).


  2. #2
    NOTE: If you run into any errors, please disable all extensions to see if you get the same errors. If so, please report to the extension developer. It is expected that many extensions will be broken with this beta release.

    NOTE 2: If you run into any issues with rulesets provided through the FG update system, please post in the Laboratory forum.

    NOTE 3: If you run into any issues with rulesets provided by the community, please post in the relevant threads.

    DEV NOTE 1: If you are a developer and need assistance figuring out the changes, please let me know via post or PM.

  3. #3
    Application Updates
    • Placeable objects (with 2D and 2.5D components) available for placement on map images (i.e. trees, furniture, etc.)
    • Text objects available for placement on map images
    • When placing tile objects on map images, the current tile parameters can be edited and will be applied to subsequently placed tiles.
    • In Image Camera Mode, adjusted camera field-of-view.
    • Campaign-specific portrait assets can be added to campaign portraits folder.
    • Portrait assets are now exported to module automatically when used in token/image fields.
    • Portrait assets will be loaded from modules.
    • Campaign and data asset loading moved to be multi-threaded.
    • Dice skins were not display on custom die types (such as d2 and d3). Fixed.
    • Dice impact effects were disappearing when die stopped moving; instead of fading out as die faded. Fixed.
    Last edited by Moon Wizard; October 18th, 2024 at 22:57.

  4. #4
    Updates Today
    • [Fixed] Paint stamps made with .webm asset graphics did not display correctly.
    • [Fixed] Paint stamp data not always being saved correctly.

  5. #5
    Updates Today
    • [Updated] For image text objects, shadow offset now independent of outline width.
    • [Fixed] For image text object UI, settings not working correctly.
    • [Fixed] For image text objects, clipping of italicized/script fonts incorrect, and other glyph texture artifacts.
    • [Fixed] For images, layer duplication not working for some layer types.

  6. #6
    Updates Today
    • [Fixed] For image paint stamps, animated .webm paint stamps added through API not displaying correctly.
    • [Fixed] For image API, paint/FX layer basic attributes not being saved (such as name, gmonly, etc.)

  7. #7
    Updates Today
    • In Image Text Mode, if text layer currently selected, then automatically enter text editing submode; instead of text adding submode.
    • In Image Layers Mode, changed behavior to select on mouse down event, rather than mouse up event.
    • In Image Layers Mode, unable to click on paint strokes. Fixed.
    • In Image Camera Mode, adjusted camera field-of-view.
    • In Image Camera Mode, fixed position of light icon when editing lights.
    • In Image Data Control, unable to add layers to folders. Fixed.

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