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Thread: Combat Tracker

  1. #1

    Combat Tracker

    Hello all. Played some RPGs as a teen, back in the late 80s into the early 90s. Have not played till about a year ago, and started with Traveller. Have been having a lot of fun mainly running the adventures with my family. I have been wanting to try the VTT. Downloaded what I needed and am watching the old you tube videos for Fantasy Ground Academy. One of the first problems I am running into is the combat tracker. When I load PCs into the combat tracker and click on "attacks" it does not show any attacks and or weapons at all. I confirmed that the weapons are listed on the equipment and actions sections of the Character Sheet and are equipped. NPCs have the weapons listed when I put them into the combat tracker, just not PCs. Now the combat tracker does show any armor that is equipped for the PCs. Now I can still roll the attacks from the character sheet. but simply cannot figure out why it does not show up in the combat tracker.

    Any help and or advise would be appreciated. I am sure as I go along I will have more questions, but the is the first problem I am running into.

  2. #2
    PCs are meant to be played from their character sheets. That is why there is very little in the combat tracker. This is common among all of the rulesets.
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  3. #3
    damned's Avatar
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    Welcome gds

    Players primarily run from their Character Sheet - PC Character Sheets tend to be much more complex than NPC sheets and have more options.
    As the GM has to manage so many more actors/NPCs the neccessary NPC info is loaded into the CT so that the GM can run all their units from the one window (CT).

  4. #4
    Ok, so it would seem, from what you are saying, is that I wont see them in the CT. The videos are a few years old and it looked as if the PC attacks were in the CT. Maybe there was a change in the software. Thanks for the response.

  5. #5
    damned's Avatar
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    This has been standard for FG for more than a decade.
    The UI has changed over time but that workflow has been common to FG as long as I have been using it.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    This has been standard for FG for more than a decade.
    The UI has changed over time but that workflow has been common to FG as long as I have been using it.
    Yep, I went back and looked at the video. I for some reason thought I saw the attacks in the combat tracker for pcs. Clearly I did not. Thank you sir.

  7. #7
    damned's Avatar
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    It actually works really well in practice.
    Very simple RPGs could play the PCs in the CT too but generally there are too many options to try and load.

  8. #8
    Another question, and I may be incorrect again. But how is the Natural weapon of the Vargr and Aslan used. Do they have to manually be put in on the Character sheet actions? And how do they work in the combat tracker?

  9. #9
    You could add it as a Weapon item, that can then be dragged to the PC sheet; or you can manually make a weapon entry for the PC.


  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    You could add it as a Weapon item, that can then be dragged to the PC sheet; or you can manually make a weapon entry for the PC.

    That seems to work, thank you.

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