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  1. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    I answered that in the above post haha. I'm going to address it.
    DOH! LOL! You sure did. My apologies! Thanks for fixing these things.

    As a side note, the Rappan Athuk game is going well. Slowed down on my conversion to FGU. Nevertheless, I'll eventually get it done as the party journeys downward. Right now they're exploring some of the wilderness and have only explored a little of the Mouth of Doom.
    Fantasy Grounds II Ultimate License Holder
    Castles & Crusades Ruleset
    Savage Worlds Deluxe Ruleset
    Mutants & Masterminds 3e Ruleset
    Dungeons & Dragons 5e Ruleset
    Pathfinder 1e Ruleset
    Dungeons & Dragons Classics - AD&D 1e/2e Ruleset
    Dungeon Crawl Classics Ruleset
    Swords & Wizardry Ruleset

    Currently Running: S&W Complete (Blackscale Lagoon)

  2. #92

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