Cosmere RPG Playtest: Bridge Nine Adventure SAT October 19th 8 AM UTC

"You are not yet heroes. You currently live in a warcamp at the edge of the Shattered Plains, a vast expanse of chasms and plateaus. Today, you’re traveling with soldiers and scholars loyal to an Alethi noble named highprince Sadeas.

That is where our story begins. A few days ago, a highstorm uncovered ruins dating back to the Silver Kingdoms.

Now, you’re part of an expedition sent across the barren stone to investigate what’s left of those ruins.

This playtest adventure introduces players to the Cosmere RPG and its setting, Brandon Sanderson’s The Stormlight Archive novels. While it is helpful for the GM to be familiar with the setting, players only need to know that it is a unique fantasy world where characters’ oaths and actions determine the powers they can gain."

Pregens are available.

Signups through warhorn.