Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1081
    Quote Originally Posted by evilpope View Post
    nm i fixed the problem. I had to redo the import of the .xml.
    Glad you got it working... odd that you had to re-import the xml, it normally does that fine.

    Forge Profile
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    Forge Modules: B9's Steel Defender.
    Forge Extensions: B9's Spell Tokens, B9's Encumbrance Tweak, B9's Damage Per Round, B9's Surprise Round.
    DMsGuild Extensions: Advanced Weapon Damage, Advanced Spell Damage, Aspect Of The Bear, Spell Long Rest For NPC, Spell Domain.

  2. #1082
    Hi, tried to search the thread for this, but couldn't find the an answer.

    We are playing with LOS.
    When the players drop a spell, they are able to put it anywhere on a region of the map which isn't visible to them and then they can click the spell token and get to see from that token LOS - which then reveals the hidden portion of the map.
    Is there anything to do to prevent this (or is there a way to make the spell token visibility automatically Mask Sensitive)?

    Edit: I should add that this happens when there is light in the region where the spell token is dropped.

    Last edited by DevInstinct; Today at 11:18.

  3. #1083
    Quote Originally Posted by DevInstinct View Post
    Hi, tried to search the thread for this, but couldn't find the an answer.

    We are playing with LOS.
    When the players drop a spell, they are able to put it anywhere on a region of the map which isn't visible to them and then they can click the spell token and get to see from that token LOS - which then reveals the hidden portion of the map.
    Is there anything to do to prevent this (or is there a way to make the spell token visibility automatically Mask Sensitive)?

    Edit: I should add that this happens when there is light in the region where the spell token is dropped.

    I've asked for this before, and it's a mixed bag.

    If you have it where the token has no vision at all, then it's hard to place it once you've put on the map and can't see anything, however, I do think thats the best options. If it can innately MAXVIS: 1, it would work really well.

  4. #1084
    Quote Originally Posted by DevInstinct View Post
    Hi, tried to search the thread for this, but couldn't find the an answer.

    We are playing with LOS.
    When the players drop a spell, they are able to put it anywhere on a region of the map which isn't visible to them and then they can click the spell token and get to see from that token LOS - which then reveals the hidden portion of the map.
    Is there anything to do to prevent this (or is there a way to make the spell token visibility automatically Mask Sensitive)?

    Edit: I should add that this happens when there is light in the region where the spell token is dropped.

    As MrDDT says, its a mixed bag... If the vision is limited, then on an unknown area the token will just vanish on the drop and hence the player would not be able to interact with it until they move to be able to see it. This makes the drop pointless, as they can not then use the token to target or move it anymore. Which is a problem for user access, ie in this case why bother dropping the token out of sight etc.

    If you allow the player to see the token, then it becomes part of the player ( or if party vision is on, part of the group ) vision... and then you get the issue.

    The code for this is now fairly old, and things like the vision effects have been added... i've not see 'MAXVIS' and its not documented or referenced in the rulesets, and I'm not sure a lone token can get effect without been a 'player' on the combat tracker.

    To make a player on the combat tracker, the system would have to make 'fake' player sheets, log them in and add them to the party. Again party vision would allow extended LOS access.

    Its not clear how vision effects radius actually end up relative to the token.

    So I can not say its impossible, since the systems have changed, and I already use undocumented features to try and make the tokens work... Maybe new undocumented features might help sort it out, but that opens up a lot of possible future problems to keep track of it the feature gets changes etc..

    I'm not sure on how vision effects get down to the token level but giving a token the vision radius of its token might solve this issue. I just dont know how to add that to an image token without giving it a character sheet and combat tracker entry and effects etc..

    Forge Profile
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    Forge Modules: B9's Steel Defender.
    Forge Extensions: B9's Spell Tokens, B9's Encumbrance Tweak, B9's Damage Per Round, B9's Surprise Round.
    DMsGuild Extensions: Advanced Weapon Damage, Advanced Spell Damage, Aspect Of The Bear, Spell Long Rest For NPC, Spell Domain.

  5. #1085
    Quote Originally Posted by DevInstinct View Post
    Hi, tried to search the thread for this, but couldn't find the an answer.

    We are playing with LOS.
    When the players drop a spell, they are able to put it anywhere on a region of the map which isn't visible to them and then they can click the spell token and get to see from that token LOS - which then reveals the hidden portion of the map.
    Is there anything to do to prevent this (or is there a way to make the spell token visibility automatically Mask Sensitive)?

    Edit: I should add that this happens when there is light in the region where the spell token is dropped.

    Id also ask what spell were they dropping into an unknown location... spell line of sight requirement is fairly normally a requirement, exceptions do exist. But most spells require the target to be in vision, hence dropping a spell out of vision is not valid in a significant number of situations. I'd say most spells you need to see the drop point, hence you would already have vision of that area. Sure some odd spells might be rules possible to drop out of sight. But then we dont have access to 'did the player drop it in the thickness of a wall' or how the walls/room/door setting allow the actual area to affect the selections. Because we just drop a radius down, the system does not know if its spanning multiple rooms that it can see into or not etc.. The GM would obviously have to make a call onto what actually gets targeted. Its why the spell token target only selects npcs that have the 'visible' option on. Assuming a GM has not made enemies visible on the combat tracker for enemies that are yet to be seen, this would not work. Its also possible in the 'next' room, the GM has not even added the tokens onto the map etc. So nothing to see or even target.

    Its a mixed bag of issues and situations. I can not see it ever covering every possible situation. Having 'extra' vision, is not an issue in nearly every situation because most situations need direct line with vision to the placement location of the spell.

    Forge Profile
    DMsGuild Profile

    Forge Modules: B9's Steel Defender.
    Forge Extensions: B9's Spell Tokens, B9's Encumbrance Tweak, B9's Damage Per Round, B9's Surprise Round.
    DMsGuild Extensions: Advanced Weapon Damage, Advanced Spell Damage, Aspect Of The Bear, Spell Long Rest For NPC, Spell Domain.

  6. #1086
    Quote Originally Posted by bratch9 View Post
    Id also ask what spell were they dropping into an unknown location... spell line of sight requirement is fairly normally a requirement

    It can happen more often with spells originating from the caster. As an example, Cone of Cold spell has to be dropped at 30' from the caster (half the cone distance) so that it starts at the caster. This is perfect behavior and it works well, the only issue is the vision of the image which is dropped. The DM can manually make the token Mask Sensitive after the drop, but an option to allow that to be the default behavior would be great.

  7. #1087
    Quote Originally Posted by bratch9 View Post
    As MrDDT says, its a mixed bag... If the vision is limited, then on an unknown area the token will just vanish on the drop and hence the player would not be able to interact with it until they move to be able to see it. This makes the drop pointless, as they can not then use the token to target or move it anymore. Which is a problem for user access, ie in this case why bother dropping the token out of sight etc.

    If you allow the player to see the token, then it becomes part of the player ( or if party vision is on, part of the group ) vision... and then you get the issue.

    The code for this is now fairly old, and things like the vision effects have been added... i've not see 'MAXVIS' and its not documented or referenced in the rulesets, and I'm not sure a lone token can get effect without been a 'player' on the combat tracker.

    To make a player on the combat tracker, the system would have to make 'fake' player sheets, log them in and add them to the party. Again party vision would allow extended LOS access.

    Its not clear how vision effects radius actually end up relative to the token.

    So I can not say its impossible, since the systems have changed, and I already use undocumented features to try and make the tokens work... Maybe new undocumented features might help sort it out, but that opens up a lot of possible future problems to keep track of it the feature gets changes etc..

    I'm not sure on how vision effects get down to the token level but giving a token the vision radius of its token might solve this issue. I just dont know how to add that to an image token without giving it a character sheet and combat tracker entry and effects etc..

    Thanks for the quick answer.
    There is setVisible in the documentation which as per isVisible accepts a nil to specify mask/LoS-based visibility. If we had an option in the spell tokens configuration to set the behavior we'd like, maybe that would do the trick.
    Here is the link https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia.../tokeninstance
    Last edited by DevInstinct; Today at 15:04.

  8. #1088
    Quote Originally Posted by DevInstinct View Post
    Thanks for the quick answer.
    There is setVisible in the documentation which as per isVisible accepts a nil to specify mask/LoS-based visibility. If we had an option in the spell tokens configuration to set the behavior we'd like, maybe that would do the trick.
    Here is the link https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia.../tokeninstance
    I think you are missing a little info.. While isVisible can tell you that information, setVisible only take a true/false "Set to true to show the token, false to hide it".

    The spell tokens extension already tries to 'token.setVisible(nil);', and because the user ( assuming not GM, wants to be able to see the token... ) if the token has an owner ( Like a player ), it follows this with 'token.setVisible(true);'. You can not use the API to set a token visible for the player that does not update LOS.

    The isVisible() is telling you if its visible true or false, or masked due to LOS and would be visible but is not.

    The abiility to have to token define if it updates the Los is not available in the API.

    Does that make sense ? ( Not sure I explained that very well.. )

    Forge Profile
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    Forge Modules: B9's Steel Defender.
    Forge Extensions: B9's Spell Tokens, B9's Encumbrance Tweak, B9's Damage Per Round, B9's Surprise Round.
    DMsGuild Extensions: Advanced Weapon Damage, Advanced Spell Damage, Aspect Of The Bear, Spell Long Rest For NPC, Spell Domain.

  9. #1089

    Does that make sense ? ( Not sure I explained that very well.. )


    Yes, it's good. I guess it's more a personal preference. I would have preferred not to setVisibility(true) for the owner and just rely on the LOS and then have the GM adjust the visibility if the player don't see the spell token and needs to adjust it rather than the reverse. Most of the time they'll see part of the spell token, which will make it visible to them with LOS. Shooting the spell completely in the dark happens less often.

  10. #1090
    Quote Originally Posted by DevInstinct View Post
    Yes, it's good. I guess it's more a personal preference. I would have preferred not to setVisibility(true) for the owner and just rely on the LOS and then have the GM adjust the visibility if the player don't see the spell token and needs to adjust it rather than the reverse. Most of the time they'll see part of the spell token, which will make it visible to them with LOS. Shooting the spell completely in the dark happens less often.
    If you dont set it visible, it does not show in LoS at all... its only GM visible for ever.

    The line of site only shows visible things if they are not lost in the LoS, then it return nil. ( For the players... )

    So you basically want a player to place any spell token in the map, and it never show to them.... until your gm specifically allow it to show. When in most cases I'd say they actually want to be able to see it to place it... hence it needs to be visible for them. If its not set visible, how will your player place the token on the map at all ?

    Only the GM can see non-visible items. So in your way only the gm would be able to place spell tokens and have to talk while its hidden from the player to work out exactly the placement while the player could not see it. Sounds very broken and wrong to me... and its not the point of the extension.

    If you want the GM to place spell tokens, and be responsible for when its visible. Then your gm needs to add it to the map edit layer and toggle its visibility for players or not in the map edit system. ( Which is how FG want you to do spell tokens... make the GM do all the work.. )

    Forge Profile
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    Forge Modules: B9's Steel Defender.
    Forge Extensions: B9's Spell Tokens, B9's Encumbrance Tweak, B9's Damage Per Round, B9's Surprise Round.
    DMsGuild Extensions: Advanced Weapon Damage, Advanced Spell Damage, Aspect Of The Bear, Spell Long Rest For NPC, Spell Domain.

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